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May 13, 2009

CPR, stat

via Conservatives for Patients Rights the key statement on what ObamaCare promises comes at 1:23

I think there's definitely a sort of feeling that there's only so much money in the pot, let's not waste it on people who are going to die anyway

Oh, that won't happen here? Well then you are not paying attention to the Senate hearings where one Professor Stuart Altman pretty well laid the ration cards on the table

People are using technologies that really don't work at all or keep people alive for very limited or very high costs, hospice is one option, but we do need to take account of the costs, ya know, I hate to say it, the cost benefits of some of the things we do.
As Hugh Hewitt remarks
this is a message to older Americans that they are the target of health care "reform," and that they are going to find themselves the first to run into rationing. Mortuaries should be gearing up for the transition to ObamaCare because the life expectancy of the elderly is going to take a sudden turn for the worse under any cost-benefit analysis of treatment of older Americans.
Medicare is already broken, paying out more then they take in from payroll taxes ... and Obama's answer? Medicare for ALL!!!

What we are getting is HillaryCare's pink pantsuit, retailored and dyed to Obama's specifications and trotted out as something NEW! IMPROVED! CHANGIEHOPEYTUDENESS!!

We either reject delivery of these toxic goods or we prepare to kill off "unworthy" Americans (seniors, disabled, premies) in order to meet the bottom line.

Posted by Darleen at May 13, 2009 08:09 PM


Right, because everyone knows that right now private insurers cover any and all tests and procedures without regard to cost/benefit. Riiiiiiight. What a clown show.

Posted by: Josh at May 14, 2009 06:39 AM

So the fact that private insurance won't pay for any and all procedures means it should be discarded in favor a one-payer system that will be an order of magnitude less efficient?


Posted by: Chris at May 16, 2009 04:54 AM


When American medicine is nationalized, where will Canadians unwilling to die go to get their care?

Because you know, at least for the moment in America, unlike Canada, you can still pay CASH for a medical procedure/test/drugs.

Geez, you hate your grandparents that much?

Posted by: Darleen at May 16, 2009 10:06 AM

I already told you that my grandparents passed long ago, crazy cat lady. Have you rejected your publicly-financed health care plan yet?

America is 19th amongst industrialized in health care quality. Sorry it conflicts with your blind hatred, but them's the facts.

Posted by: Josh at May 17, 2009 09:05 AM


I don't get my health insurance from work. We chose to go with what my husband's work offers. And even if I got it through my work, the vast bulk of the premiums are paid by the individual, not by my employer.

Again, I work in a LEGITIMATE area of government - law enforcement. So you can leave off your disengenuous twist on the "chickenhawk" meme.

Nationalized medicine is rationed medicine. Why are you willing to allow American women to be sentenced to death by cervical and breast cancer to meet the bottom line (as now happens in Canada and Britain)? Women issues, Josh? No real surprise of course.

Posted by: Darleen at May 17, 2009 09:40 AM

Those national rankings rely heavily on counting "access" to care, meaning that they are biased toward nationalized systems. Tell me where people with money go to get health care, other than the United States.

Posted by: Chris at May 17, 2009 11:04 AM

Ensuring black people are imprisoned is no more legitimate than any other area of government, parasite. If people want protection for their health and property, they can pay for it in the private market and end the boondoggle that keeps you fed. I don't see anything in the Constitution authorizing full employment for cops and prosecutors.

You don't care about health outcomes. You'd prefer to have a private insurer paperwork requirement deciding whether people get treated for cancer. You like a system where 31 percent of expenditures go to administrative costs. Sad.

Posted by: Josh at May 18, 2009 06:47 AM

Okay Josh, now you just sound like a complete fucking idiot who chooses to hit people when they can. Do you really think that any progress is going to be made or any meaningful discussion will be had when you just troll around blasting people? Yeah, you definately seem like you care about your country.

ENSURING BLACKS STAY IN PRISON? Are you so fucking ate up that you have to stoop to saying things like that?

Posted by: Jason at June 18, 2009 01:40 PM

Okay Josh, now you just sound like a complete fucking idiot who chooses to hit people when they can. Do you really think that any progress is going to be made or any meaningful discussion will be had when you just troll around blasting people? Yeah, you definately seem like you care about your country.

ENSURING BLACKS STAY IN PRISON? Are you so fucking ate up that you have to stoop to saying things like that?

Posted by: Jason at June 18, 2009 01:40 PM