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December 17, 2008

Why did Obama lie?

Let's review, shall we?

David Axelrod, November 23: "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

PE Obama The Infallible on Dec. 9:

Q Mr. President-elect, did you have any contact — were you aware of — were you aware at all of what was happening with your Senate seat?

PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA: I — hold on, hold on, hold on a second, guys. I'll just answer this one question.

I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so we were not — I was not aware of what was happening.*

*"ahs", "uhs", "ums" and other poker-tell stutterings not transcribed.

NYTimes on Dec 13

President-elect Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, communicated with the office of Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois about potential candidates for Mr. Obama’s Senate seat and provided a list of names, according to two Obama associates briefed on the matter.
PE Obama today, Dec 15 has got his nuance on:
"What I indicated last week was there was nothing that my office did that was in any way inappropriate or related to the charges that have been brought."
"No contact" is now to be understood to really mean "no inappropriate contact."

Yeah, that's the ticket!

So what we have here is Obama caught flatfooted in a clumsy lie. A lie he didn't have to make as most reasonable people believe, after seeing the Blagocrook complaint, that Camp O was unwilling to participate in any Blago version of The Price is Right! for the seat.

Which really makes Obama's first instinct to lie all the more curious and worrisome. No wonder Obamabots refuse to even entertain the issue.

There is a perfect way for Obama to actually show He is willing to put His money where His mouth is ... promise right now that upon His taking office He will direct Fitzgerald to release complete transcripts of all conversations between Obama personnel and Blago's office and minions.

Any reporter willing to ask that of The One? Or does camp Obama still have all their balls locked away for 8 years?

(h/t N. O'Brain)

Posted by Darleen at December 17, 2008 07:18 AM


Or, possible, the word "I" and "my office" are not synonyms for each other? Just throwing it out there.

If I say I didn't talk to a client, but Stanley did, does that mean I talked the the client?

Seriously, Darleen, I know you want to bring him down, but why not wait to tar him with inevitable corruption charges from the massive infrastructure programs. Surely some contractor somewhere will treat the Democrats like those contractors in Iraq treated Republicans. When the light fixtures, paid for with our tax dollars, fill with raw sewage in one those infrastructure projects, then you get a snit fit going.

This non-scandal, however, is below you.

Posted by: timb at December 18, 2008 08:20 AM

Of course if a republican had picked Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff the dhimmicrats would have gone nuts over the outright fraud of Freddie while he was on the board.

Given that track record this is no surprise.

President-elect Barack Obama's incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had a deeper involvement in pressing for a U.S. Senate seat appointment than previously reported, the Sun-Times has learned. Emanuel had direct discussions about the seat with Gov. Blagojevich, who is is accused of trying to auction it to the highest bidder.

Emanuel talked with the governor in the days following the Nov. 4 election and pressed early on for the appointment of Valerie Jarrett to the post, sources with knowledge of the conversations told the Sun-Times. There was no indication from sources that Emanuel brokered a deal, however.


Posted by: ML at December 18, 2008 04:44 PM

He didn't. Poor Darleen can't distinguish between the first-person plural and the first-person singular, even when Obama himself telegraphs it.

Good to see you guys in full Vince Foster wackoland already. The earlier the credibility of the nut right is destroyed, the better.

Posted by: Josh at December 18, 2008 10:02 PM

He's not even the President yet, and we have his supporters parsing his words so that the "truth" can be set before us.

Four years of this. Sigh.

Posted by: Chris at December 19, 2008 02:21 AM

Obama: I had no contact with the governor or his office


How do you believe him or your lying eyes?

Ironic that illiberals speak about “credibility” when their new hero is the Iraqi shoe thrower Muntazer al-Zaidi.

Perhaps the word “credibility” means something else to them!

Posted by: ML at December 19, 2008 09:22 AM

Actually, Chris we're explaining plain meaning. You are the dolts who can't understand a sentence or the fact that "I" is not a pronoun for "office."

I mean, if you hadn't been such a jerk on earlier threads, I might give you the benefit of the doubt and imagine you know sentient offices (ML has similarly kooky beliefs), but I hesitate to give the benefit of the doubt to someone so hostile.

Add in the fact that you folks are attempting to connect Obama to a scandal that no one believes he had anything to do with and I'm unlikely to grant the American Spectator crowd too much slack.

Posted by: timb at December 19, 2008 10:36 AM

No one's connecting him to the scandal, they're connecting him to a reflexive inability to tell the truth when he thinks he might look bad.

What the hell are sentient offices? I guess I'm too big a dolt to follow that argument.

As for hostility, I'm not the one who trolls websites and disagrees with the authors in petty and infantile terms. Seen any KKK sympathizers lately, timb?

Posted by: Chris at December 20, 2008 04:38 AM

Except he did tell the truth. I guess after "we don't torture" wingnuts have trouble telling the difference.

Posted by: Josh at December 22, 2008 10:38 AM

Which time did he tell the truth?

Posted by: Chris at December 23, 2008 04:17 AM

Chris, I'm disagreeing with you. Darleen is too busy and too frightened to argue with me. Also, before we explain things to you, let's explain basic internet manners, i.e., a troll is not someone who disagrees with the author, a troll is someone who adds non-sequitors and makes stupid comments which change the subject. I', talking about Darleen's subject, Chris, within the parameters she's established, thus not a troll.

Now, let's work on basic English. When Josh and I point out the man did NOT make inconsistent statements: I did not talk to the governor about this vs my office had no inappropriate contacts, we point to the pronoun. Obama NEVER said no one in the transition team spoke with Blago. He said he did not.

So, when one confuses the word "I" with the words "my office," I could make fun fun of that person for not knowing they are not the same, or I can imagine that you know offices who are alive and use the first person pronoun when they speak to you. That may explain why when Obama uses the word "I" and then later says "my office," you conflate the two?

Otherwise, I have long been puzzled about what you people are thinking here. Fitzgerald already cleared Obama AND HIS TRANSITION TEAM. I assume, that unlike the last eight years when anyone was free to break the law, you asses have suddenly discovered the scandal-mongering which made the '90's so fun.

Posted by: timb at December 23, 2008 06:52 AM

Yep, the crew that gave us Whitewater and Vince Foster is already at a full sprint. Should be fun watching them fall on their faces again.

Posted by: Josh at December 23, 2008 05:06 PM

Your ego is writing checks your intellect can't cash, timb.

Posted by: Chris at December 24, 2008 04:10 AM

At least I possess an intellect, Chris, which is more than I can say for the silly host or you.

Posted by: timb at December 24, 2008 07:46 AM

Your calumny would be more impressive if you ever bothered to make or refute an argument, Chris.

Posted by: Josh at December 24, 2008 09:45 AM

talking about Darleen's subject, Chris, within the parameters she's established, thus not a troll. ~ Posted by: timb at December 23, 2008 06:52 AM

So not yet a troll in this thread, but yes this anti-Semite is a troll in all the other threads, just wait until it starts calling you a Moslem hater and of course it will explain how smart it is as if saying it alone really makes it true.

Qur’an expert indeed.

Posted by: ML at December 24, 2008 09:49 AM

ML, are you as mean as you are stupid?

Why are you trolling here? The subject is about Obama. Try to stay focused, troll.

By the way, since you've said your Jewish relatives are going to Hell, I think you're the anti-Semites. Damning an entire race, ML? Just digusting

Posted by: timb at December 24, 2008 02:16 PM

I think it is interesting that you are a troll when it suits you and the site moderator when it doesn’t.

But in your defense that does fit with your illiberal double standards, I love it when you so openly display them for all to see, it carries so much more weight then me just claiming it.

Whether I believe my Jewish friends and relatives are going to hell has nothing to do with the way I treat them, as you yourself have proven by quoting my comment from the Patterico web site, it shows that I care for them.

Now you, not so much.

Posted by: ML at December 24, 2008 03:11 PM

You have without provocation accused me of hating Moslems, gays and Jews.

You have accused me of not only condoning but also claiming me and my Judeo-Christian religion endorses the bombing of abortion clinics and other killings of innocent civilians with all the strawmen arguments you can possibly muster.

So if you think I am going to treat you with anything other than contempt, you are greatly mistaken.

Posted by: ML at December 24, 2008 03:37 PM

Who knew it was so easy to win an argument? Simply dismiss your opponent's points and substitute personal invective.

What a maroon.

Posted by: Chris at December 25, 2008 12:16 PM


Me? I grew up with a God who preferred people (like his "Son") who weren't so sure about Salvation.

That is a real classic, that speaks to the greatest of stupidity.

Timb is trying to claim that God really prefers people WHO DON’T BELIEVE HIS WORD, contrary to what His word really says, “Abraham believed God and his faith was counted as righteousness”.

This alone speaks volumes about Timb and his knowledge of the Bible and his foaming at the mouth hatred for Jews and Christians, his bigotry is so overwhelming it causes his thoughts to be really convoluted.

Posted by: ML at December 26, 2008 04:05 PM

Tool. When Simon Peter said to Jesus that he was the Christ, the Messiah, Jesus accused him of being Satan. The Christianity the Jesus I learned to respect (and most assuredly different from the arrogant, cocksure, swaggering bullshit you and Darleen believe) is one of humility, doubt, questioning. Your reading comprehension is not good, so let me explain [again!] what you misunderstood: the myth I believed, and certainly a better version of Christianity, is one where the believer doubts his Salvation, not necessarily the existence of god. "not sure about salvation." Describes Kierkegaard, Niebuhr and all the people I respected growing doubted whether they were saved and tried to be better people.

You remind me of my youth minister, a smug, self-satisfied man, who knew Reagan was a hero and picketed the local video store for its porn. He was also a pedophile, as we learned later, but everyone has clay feet. You, ML, are smug, self-satisfied jackass. It would be pleasant for you to not comment on anything I wrote, since you can't explain why you slandered me. Until you can answer why you lied about me, please shut up.

Posted by: timb at December 27, 2008 08:55 PM

Maybe I should send you some California cheese to go with all that whine you have going on there?

Tool. When Simon Peter said to Jesus that he was the Christ, the Messiah, Jesus accused him of being Satan.

I am beginning to suspect that you’re really just intentionally playing stupid.

It would be pleasant for you to not comment on anything I wrote...Posted by: timb at December 27, 2008 08:55 PM (ML has similarly kooky beliefs) ~ Posted by: timb at December 19, 2008 10:36 AM
both posted by “timb” hereinabove.

You may want to take your own advice and had you done so I would have left you with your tin foil hat alone, but since you have not nor will not; If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

since you can't explain why you slandered me

I already explained why I hold nothing but contemp for you and what I said about you is in writing so the proper word is “libel” to which you will have to refresh my memory, I do not recall making a libelous statement about you, perhaps you could provide a direct quote then I could explain the position or clarify my position, but that is not really your college educated style.

I think you will recall your foaming at the mouth fantasy comments that you and Josh left about me, the nasty Christian crusader and what the Thanksgiving holiday was like at my house where we or I hate gays, Moslems and of course those evil Jews along with anyone else that doesn’t subscribe to my exact belief and then you turn around and expect me to be really nice to you?

You are flipping insane, you know that don’t you?

Posted by: ML at December 28, 2008 02:40 PM

The irony of the troll wishing to be left in peace is brilliant.

Posted by: Chris at December 29, 2008 04:16 AM

Chris, I don't mind you. You're just an ass. ML is certifiable as witnessed by not being able to remember lying about people and calling them anti-Semites.

Hey, ML, stop bearing false witness, you liar.

As for Chris, the irony of you not being able to discuss Obama not lying and the death knell of the Blago mini-scandal reminds one of the time you longed for the kind of man with a big enough member to satisfy you (here). Remember, keep your plans from ML. He WILL attempt an exorcism.

Posted by: timb at December 29, 2008 07:42 AM

I see the whiney anti-Semite will not take its own advice, what a typical Jew hating bigot troll.

Posted by: ML at December 29, 2008 09:17 AM

Yeah, that was the lie I meant. Good work looking it up, what with you having all of 12 IQ points and all. Now, let's document that lie, liar.

Being called an Anti-Semite from the guy who damns relatives for not worshiping the right imaginary being? Priceless.

PS There are two acceptable spellings of the word "whiny." I just used the first; the second is a little more time consuming but is acceptable: "God-bothering, conservative, white-guy loving, banal halfwit."

Note: you may think I've just described you, ML, but you'd be wrong, because you are a "lackwit, not a halfwit. In any event, only folks who can't read spell "whiny" with an "e." Misspellings, lies, changing the subject from the post. Is there anything you can do, ML, which is not completely retarded?*

Ah, ML, representing the last pre-literate movement in America, e.g. Fundie Christians.

*Only Darleen, the little beast, is more evil than you are.

Posted by: timb at December 29, 2008 12:34 PM

I didn’t have to look that up, you have made it very clear what you are, a whiney Judeo-Christian hating imbecile.

And of course the best part is how the irony is lost on only you and your accusations of misspellings like when you called me “rock sold stupid” instead of “rock solid stupid” besides the tons of other misspellings and lack of even simple reasoning skills or how you consistently change the subject or how you do nothing but lie and make bizarre personal accusations instead of sticking to content.

Like hereinabove you make a really stupid statement about Simon-Peter & Jesus, then you bring up pedophiles? I take it all that bunkum was on topic for a hating troll like you, or at least in your really messed up poor excuse for a brain.

Posted by: ML at December 29, 2008 01:18 PM

It's an answer to age old question: What doesn't ML know about the world in which he lives? Here's example 342, ML doesn't know that youth ministry is a virtual cover for pedophilia (I'll ignore the fact he cannot a metaphor; his concrete nature has been demonstrated again and again).

Here's a study, ML, ol' boy

Perhaps you heard about the recent troubles of the Catholic Church? The last youth minister at my parents' church was forced out because he asked a 16 year old girl to run away with him. Man, his wife was stunningly beautiful too, but to be a youth minister means one must REALLY like youth.

Check this out: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/254857

Face it, ML, if your church has one who isn;t trying to diddle the boys and girls, then you should protect him at all costs. He appears to be the exception to the rule.

nice of god to allow that happen to his flock. Too bad he's not omniscient enough to prevent it.

P.S. So, you do not feel the need to defend the lie? "I didn’t have to look that up" Yes, ML, like all the other bullshit untruths you live by, you accept that one on faith. Nice work, WHINY horse's ass.

Posted by: timb at December 29, 2008 02:05 PM

a troll is someone who adds non-sequitors and makes stupid comments which change the subject. I', talking about Darleen's subject, Chris, within the parameters she's established, thus not a troll. Posted by: timb at December 23, 2008 06:52 AM

Trollish stupidity run amok ad nauseam with bad spelling but that goes with the stupidity and non-sequiturs.

So even by your own definition you are a troll and one with a strange fascination for pedophilia, you get creepier by the comment.

Posted by: ML at December 29, 2008 02:35 PM

ML, are YOU a youth minister? Might explain why you are so uninterested in figuring why your breed produces so many cracked people.

Posted by: timb at December 30, 2008 07:01 AM

Trolls rush in where trolls have been before.

Posted by: ML at December 30, 2008 07:36 AM

He has never shown a legal birth certificate. This man is a fraud. The wife is a looney just waiting to cut loose on white america. We have enough racism in America. Now to have more open racism, is going to start a racist war. The Obama's are very corrupt people. The sooner America wakes up to this reality the better.

Posted by: Princess at January 13, 2009 06:14 AM