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July 16, 2006

Jeff Harrell gets interesting mail

Jeff wonders how he gets on some mailing lists, but he certainly receives some revealing flyers (and am I glad that he does).


Jeff makes note that the emergency march is one month away and

I can't help noticing that International ANSWER didn't call for a national emergency march every time a Hezbollah rocket exploded in an Israeli neighborhood. They didn't call for a national emergency march when Hezbollah militants kidnapped Israelis. It was only when Israel started to take steps to get their soldiers back and to force the newborn Lebanese govenment to disarm or expel the terrorists within her borders that International ANSWER thinks the time has come to act.
Just take a gander at the other two initiators of this national emergency march -- National Council of Arab Americans (NCA), Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation. They don't believe Jews are even human let alone entitled to things like a sovereign nation or self-defense.

Don't worry, I won't question the American patriotism of the NCA or MASFF - like ANSWER, they have none.

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Posted by Darleen at July 16, 2006 11:46 AM
