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July 16, 2006

9/11 Flight 77: Conspiracy myth busted


(h/t Vinnie at The Jawa Report)

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Posted by Darleen at July 16, 2006 10:25 AM


You would think something as well documented as that would shut up the conspiracy nutbags, but don't count on it. There's even a moonbat Dem politician running for Congress on a platform of the "9/11" Bush conspiracy. You just can't make this bat-shit craziness up. Apparently there's a special place under the "Big Tent" for the lunitic's in our midst.

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at July 16, 2006 01:25 PM

I believe it's a very special place under their tattered tent, a big hot-tub in which sweaty old moonbats stew and where they make moonbat-extract, an essential ingredient of the kool-aid they drink - sorry that's a horrific image.

Posted by: DirtCrashr at July 19, 2006 08:20 AM

The Pentagon is one of the most secure and highly watched buildings in the world. They have cameras in everyroom and multiple cameras outside, not to mention the security cameras for the neighboring buildings and highway cameras. But the only film they release of the attack is a tiny fish eye lense security camera that gives us one frame of the jet and its behind something. Why not show us one of the other tapes? Why not release something that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that it was a plane? The pentagon also has surface to air missles that take out planes entering its air space. Where were they? How did the faa and norad not see this jet targeting the pentagon? Don't let this video fool you.

Posted by: jackberton at August 8, 2006 08:11 AM