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August 03, 2005

Serving a nice full glass of whine

I'm sick.

No ... I mean physically sick [yes, you, enjoy your snickering]. It's not enough that yet another "chiller" at work went out meaning that the office temp was slowing rising, but it feels like there's a small encampment of orcs on my chest and I sound like a fog horn when coughing ... to the point several co-workers came by and said in a chorus of concern ...

"Shit Darleen! Go home before you infect the rest of us! Thoughtless wench."

So, here I am, in bed with my laptop and wondering when the drugs kick in for a nap.

I hate being sick. Maybe we moms just outgrow it, because when I was little, being sick was laying in bed with my mom serving me cinnamon toast and warm milk, Vicks Vapo-rub on my chest and the tiny black & white tv on my dresser so I could watch afternoon cartoons.

:::sniff::: I want someone to get me some toast!

Posted by Darleen at August 3, 2005 12:16 PM
