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August 03, 2005

Sheesh, someone else indulging in whine

Pretty much I give the alleyway where the "evolutionist" and the "intelligent designer/creator" rumble a wide berth. What I have to say on the subject just annoys them both and I see no percentage in getting shot at from all sides.

That said, if you want to understand what all the hoorah is about with President Bush's horrifying statement that education means being exposed to all ideas then visit Jeff Goldstein's excellent post, check out the plethora of links at the top (then revel in the comments). Also check out Patterico.

I'd like to point out an ancillary statement by the predictably hysterical Barney Frank in regards to the President's statement. Oh, of course his first reaction is the usual running in circles shrieking "The Xtian Fundies are coming! Save yourselves!" but then comes this one:

People might cite George Bush as proof that you can be totally impervious to the effects of Harvard and Yale education.
I guess this is where Democrat Frank confesses that the proper mission of US universities is turning out atheists?


Posted by Darleen at August 3, 2005 01:03 PM


- Of course. No right-thinking (maybe that should be left thinking) upstanding "elitist" can even consider the unthinkable idea that this is all the handiwork of a higher entity....

- The imperious arrogance of certain members of our race is amazing....

- When I hear some of the "science" mongers admit openly they have no ABSOLUTE evidence of evolution either, and that their position is just as much a matter of faith as spiritual people, then I will listen to their arguments. All of their "theories", postulates, and scientific chains of "logic" don't amount to one iota of hard evidence of anything. But it all follows the most "logical" explaination, and that they love. But who said G_d slaves to mans logic. Pure arrogance.

- The worst is one of their own, probably the greatest thinker from their ranks, said it best:

..."G_d not only throws the dice, sometimes He rolls them where we can't see them!"....Albert Einstein -

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at August 3, 2005 10:47 PM

As is almost always true, both the extremists' views in this are wrong. I have no problem with teaching creationist theory. As long as:

A: It's not in science class. (Unless someone has some kind of actual scientific theory with some kind of actual...y'know...proof.) Social Studies or History sounds like a good place for it.

B: It's balanced. That mean, fine, you do the Judeo/Christian/Islamic-Genesis, as well as say, Buddhist and Hindu.

Mind you $10 bucks says that if you tried to do "B", the same people who are screaming to have creation theory included, would picket to prevent it happening on those terms.

Me? Hell, I say include as many as possible. Norse, Celtic, Chippewa, Sioux, Shinto. Let's get rolling!

Posted by: W. Ian Blanton at August 8, 2005 08:43 PM