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May 03, 2005

Random thoughts

It's fun to watch the delight and confusion that First Lady Laura Bush's standup comedy routine has engendered. Let me offer a clue -- only couples thoroughly secure in the love and loyality they have for each other can pull off a roast.

Would someone tell Gloria Allred to shut up? I heard some of her inane ramblings defending the so-called Runaway Bride. Oh...and as long as I'm pointing out people who can't open their mouth without inserting their foot, let's include the Desperate Preacher, Pat Robertson who loves to hand reporters of the MSM golden quotes so they can puff out their chests and tell their friends "See? See? I told you all conservatives are radical wingnuts!"

Gov. Jeb Bush signs what I consider a reasonable bill that will track convicted child molesters via GPS monitoring rather than trying to rely on child molesters registering at their local police station. It should come as no surprise that many molesters "forget" to register, or use false addresses. However, never let a good law be supported if the "wrong" person signs it...the true extremists at the democraticunderground spent sometime waxing how its just the first step in a conspiracy to track us all.

In the "be careful what you wish for" category, the "ethics" shotgun aimed at Delay has sprayed wide and has started hitting Democrats who have had their trips paid for by lobbiests. Ha.

Hey! A billboard in Los Angeles I can really get behind! (hattip Michelle Malkin)

And it looks like Abbas is channeling the (Thank God!) dead Arafat in lying to the world about his "tough" stance against islamo-terrorists while instituting a revolving door. 'Course, those that get their news from the Frisco bay area MSM will find its really those wiley Jews coming up with "new" demands on hard-working Abbas...heavens, disarm Hamas? How unreasonable!

Posted by Darleen at May 3, 2005 06:27 AM


- Pollosi has now decided the Dems were never after Delay persee', only the misdeeds of Senators in general. I suppose they're not really against Bolton either, just anyone in general that could really clean up the UN mess and make them look bad for defending that rats nest of theiving scumbags. Next she'll be claiming that the Republicans are the ones dragging their feet and obstructing reform in social securuty by unreasonably pointing out its moving closer to financial disaster. Or would that be Bill Clinton that pointed out the Dems pravaricating on that issue. And of course its not because the Dems are determined to commit political suicide they're so hell bent on blocking conservative judge nominations. It's really all about protecting the tradition of fillabustering, which in this case, never existed until they drempt it up. The clowns of the jackass party march on. The Clintons realize that if the Dean led dummyleft continues in this
headlong obstruction approach, and thereby lose even more House and Senate seats, it may not even matter who wins the presidency in 2008....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at May 8, 2005 12:31 PM