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February 12, 2005

Battlestar Galactica - 'Litmus' - adult moral questions

click for larger imageLast night's episode ratcheted up the tension and changed some storylines in ways that just continue to bring up more questions. A good summary of the basic plot can be found here. If you've seen the episode, be sure to view the deleted scenes linked at the bottom of the summary. "Billy's first news conference" is a hoot.

I'd like to say I am enjoying a sci-fi series that is written for adults. This week's script was so finely balanced and really respectful of its audience. It never feels it has to take a stand on the issues it presents and then bludgeon you over the head with it. (I'm looking at you, Paul Verhoeven. Neil Patrick Harris in an SS uniform? Sheesh) The episode, through the dialogue between President Roslin and Cmdr. Adama, the dissembling of Sgt. Hadrian and the full realization by Chief Tryol of what he has wrought with his illicit relationship with Boomer, explores themes of power, paranoia and the difficulties in dealing with competing responsibilities. The writers create full, sympathetic characters, put them in morally untenable situations then toss the ball to the audience implicitly leaving it up to us to think "well, what would I have done?"


Add to this, Edward James Olmos has taken his written character and, like many fine actors, has created a powerful, many-faceted Cmdr. Adama. Each week we get to see yet another aspect of his personality and why he is commander. He is able to wield tremendous influence with such a calm, lowkey but resolute manner that the very few times he raises his voice even a notch or two rocks you back. The final scene in his confrontation with Chief Tyrol was masterful in bringing together all elements of responsibility, consequences and showing that most times there are no neat, clean solutions. Too many times choices are not between good and bad, but between bad and worse, and we must all own our choices.

If you haven't gotten around to watching, I highly recommend you find some time.

Posted by Darleen at February 12, 2005 08:47 AM


I just love that you've become attached to Cmdr. Adama, Dar. I just love that.

Posted by: Jeff Harrell at February 12, 2005 10:52 AM


How do manage to do it all. Keep a blog going and raise a family??

I think I'll go and get something to eat out of the fridge!

Posted by: Bzzz at February 12, 2005 10:50 PM