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November 06, 2008

Vouchers, please

A teacher in need of firing:

Posted by Darleen at November 6, 2008 08:00 PM


I couldn't watch after she singled out the military brat and told her McCain wanted her father in Iraq for 100 years.

Hopefully, one of the parents sees this and pays the principal a visit, ala Uncle Buck.

Posted by: Chris at November 7, 2008 03:17 AM

What a hypocrite, she said she can support whomever she wants as long as she does not browbeat someone who thinks differently.

First off it takes one tough liberal to pick on little kids, nothing like browbeating them when they are young and respect you as their unbiased educator.

She proves herself unworthy of their respect because she uses that respect to indoctrinate them into her ideas not educate them on the facts, letting them draw their own conclusions.

That is the American indoctrination system for you.

Posted by: ML at November 7, 2008 08:25 AM

Didn’t Obama promise to change corrupt government?

Rahm Emanuel New White House Chief of Staff.
Freddie Mac board member when they cooked the books!

Change! Obama style?


Posted by: ML at November 7, 2008 08:53 AM


And, then go after civil servants in prosecutor's offices who express opinions.

Posted by: timb at November 7, 2008 08:58 AM

Remember when Darleen was outraged by David Paszkiewicz? Me neither.

Posted by: Josh at November 7, 2008 09:19 AM

LOL, they do seem to need OUTRAGE in order to survive, don't they, Josh?

That said, the woman needs to be censured, if not fired. I would imagine this video will have bad repercussions for her. It reminds me of how my teenager had to sit through a Palin Fangirl as his Government teacher, who made the kids write an essay as to why Palin's RNC speech was great oratory...But he was in a position to drop the class and switch to the AP session. These little ones don't have that freedom, so this is much worse. The teacher was wrong as can be, not to mention cruel to that poor girl whose daddy is deployed so far away. Truly shitty behavior.

Posted by: Leah at November 7, 2008 03:38 PM

Not enough, Leah. Being a jackass when you're on the Right entitles you to be Darleen's hero(Uh, Goldstein, for example), but, if someone is not a righty, then Dar Dar wants to destroy them, absolutely destroy.

What can you say, it's the Christian in them

Posted by: timb at November 8, 2008 08:20 AM

...but, if someone is not a righty, then Dar Dar wants to destroy them, absolutely destroy.
What can you say, it's the Christian in them

It’s the Christian in them or her, or do you not really know?

Yes those Christians are so horrible, but lets pretend that Obama did not just pick that Freddie Mac criminal Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff.

And they say crime doesn’t pay!
It does if your s democrat.

Posted by: ML at November 8, 2008 09:00 AM


Diantha Harris is entitled to express her opinion, walk the precinct, contribute time and money to any candidate she wants.

One her own time.

You do know that government employees are enjoined from ANY use of government time and money for campaigning, right?

Harris is an cruel teacher and needs to be stripped of her teaching creditials. ANY teacher that engages in partisan politicking in the classroom needs to go. A student should be unable to tell you what candidate a teacher is going to vote for.

But Harris is yet another example of why parents should be incharge of where their kids go to school.

Posted by: Darleen at November 8, 2008 09:07 AM

Oh calm down. She should be disciplined but this isn't a firing offense. My high school econ teacher assured me repeatedly that electing Clinton in '92 would lead to another depression. He shouldn't have been fired for it or lost his "criditials". Get some perspective.

Posted by: Josh at November 8, 2008 09:28 AM

But Harris is yet another example of why parents should be incharge of where their kids go to school.

No she's an example of why parents should TALK to their kids and GET INVOLVED in their schools. I have had my kids removed from the classes of crazy ass teachers, like the 3rd grade teacher who threw desks around the classroom when she got angry. I have worked with the school board to have that teacher removed from the school system also, along with other parents. We have remedies for bad teachers.

The local Catholic school in my town had 12 kids in their latest 8th grade. None of those had qualified to take 9th grade Regents courses, which is the norm in the public 8th grade here. All of my kids graduated (or soon will) from public schools as AP Scholars with Distinction. It's not that hard - Parents take responsibility for educating their children. Parents hold their children to standards and help them to meet the standards. Parents stay involved in their public schools and utilize all the many methods available to penalize teachers who misbehave like this one.

Before my kid switched to the AP Government class, he was putting up with a righwing nutjob who spelled Obama's first name as Barok and who appeared to be having a lesbian crush on Sarah Palin. We all had a good laugh over it. That one wasn't worth getting worked up over though. Save it for the big stuff - like desk throwers.

Posted by: Leah at November 8, 2008 09:39 AM

You may not like this, but I agree with you on certain things.

Perspective, this video shows not highschool kids but what second or third graders and the one girl getting bit ridiculed for her dad being in the military, yes you’re right lets have some perspective.

Now I don’t think that little girl really understood the ridicule like I do, but she knew her ideas were being dismissed outright because of different views.

Something like that happening in highschool I don’t have much of a problem with, by then we should be able to defend our ideas and values.

I think this teacher needs to be disciplined.

Posted by: ML at November 8, 2008 12:49 PM


"In charge" means that parents are primary in their kids education. If the kids must attend a public school, then parents should be equal partners.

Not all public schools welcome parents as such. Many PS make noises as if they want parental involvement but it is in a very limited and subservient way "Hi Parent, write us a check! Hi Parent, come run the [activity, fund raiser, sport booster programs]! but about all, Parent, remember your place and never ever question us!"

As a SAHM for 16 years I was very involved in my kids' schools... private then public. There is a reason good teachers burn out and Harris is an example of a bad teacher who stays on forever. She is getting a kick out of bullying the kids and indoctrinating them with her personal opinions.


Vouchers, please.

Posted by: Darleen at November 8, 2008 01:02 PM

I've never had that experience in my public school system. The teachers and parents work together very cooperatively, seems to me. But maybe it just seemed to work good for me because I never expected the schools to take my place. I checked the homework. I met with the teachers on a regular basis. I addressed difficulties the kids were having. I spent my free time helping them get their projects together and in on time. I controlled their tv and their video game time. I watched who their friends were. It was my job, not the schools.

Personal responsibility, baby. Do your job and don't whine because the schools won't do it for you. They're a resource - The parent is always in charge.

Vouchers are one more way for the Randians to try and starve the beast. We all know that. Rather than support the greater good of public education, they seek to undermine it by pretending that famous "competition" would solve all problems. While giving parents just enough money in voucher form to cover the cost of local church schools. It's a great way to create an American madrassa school system, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with supporting the greater good of an educated citizenry.

Posted by: Leah at November 8, 2008 01:19 PM

ML, I do like that you sometimes agree. To repeat the quote Obama chose from Abraham Lincoln: "We are not enemies, but friends". We're not that different. I live an extremely conservative, fiscally responsible life. In no way is that incompatible with an enlightened, progressive vision for America.

Posted by: Leah at November 8, 2008 01:21 PM

Yes, ML, disciplined. This was clearly inappropriate. But it's not a firing offense.

Darleen, are you aware that vouchers won't pay a kid's entire way to private school in most places? As currently formulated, they're largely a subsidy to people who already send their kids to private school.

Posted by: Josh at November 9, 2008 08:17 AM

Josh, more realistically and more toward Darleen's bent, they are public subsidies to (church) private schools. Folks like Darleen would love it if the Baptist/Nazarene/parish school on the corner was treated like AIG -- free government money, no strings attached. A place where the teachers could get in students' faces about NOT supporting McCain. It's not like Darleen and Goldstein and the rest of the Repudiated Right oppose political correctness, they just oppose which direction it is going.

Posted by: timb at November 10, 2008 07:19 AM


I wouldn’t go as far as to say “not a firing offence”, it would depend on the school district and what there standards are and how they have handed things like this in the past. I would expect that same type of discipline to be enforced, nothing more nothing less.


No doubt that people like that exist on both sides, personally Darleen is not one of them, not even close. It funny that you accuse her of being that, it does not make you appear unstable or anything like that, it makes you appear very rational.

Posted by: ML at November 10, 2008 05:31 PM

ML, could you please let me know how you know "darleen is not one of them." I admit, all I know from Darleen are her absurd posts here, on PW and her similar comments at Patterico.

From those, one gathers quite a bit of info re: "how darleen really is" in a political sense and it's completely in line with what I said: identity politics, political correctness from the right, and, hopeless absurdities, like "polls don't matter" and "Obama's a communist."

So, if you personally know the grandmother who lovingly dotes on her grandchildren, then you know the side she never shows the rest of us. Kudos to you for defending her from perceived attacks. If you are, on the other hand, talking out of your bum, then please stop. It's embarrassing for you and uncomfortable for us.

Posted by: timb at November 11, 2008 08:33 AM

I have not read a ton of Darleen’s writings but from what I have read thus far that is just an accusation based on nothing but assumptions based on something someone else said somewhere else who just happens to be a conservative.

The more accusations you make the higher the mountain you have to climb.
The burden of proof is the accusers not the accused.

Posted by: ML at November 11, 2008 11:08 AM

I'll just go ahead then and repeat what I said: while I appreciate the mindless authoritarian loyalty you have chosen to manifest someone you don't know, could you please stop talking out of your bum, then please stop. It's embarrassing for you and uncomfortable for us

Posted by: timb at November 11, 2008 07:55 PM