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November 01, 2008

Shorter Obama and the push-down definition of 'middle class'

If you think you actually deserve your earnings and your property, YOU.ARE.SELFISH.

**UPDATE** quote of the day

When it comes to the economy, Obama can see the Soviet Union from his house.

Barry's "fundamental change for America" is to make it over as socialist Europe.

No, thank you.

(h/t Hot Air)

Posted by Darleen at November 1, 2008 09:47 AM


It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.

- Adam Smith

Let me know if you don't know who Adam Smith was. I'm betting you don't.

Posted by: Josh at November 1, 2008 09:27 PM

What does that have to do with Mr. Obama's continually changing floor of his tax hike?

Posted by: Chris at November 2, 2008 03:18 AM

Obama is talking about something called The Progressive Income Tax. It is this crazy revolutionary concept first instituted by Teddy Roosevelt - allegedly McCain's great hero.

He is talking about a return to the tax rates we saw under Bill Clinton - the most prosperous era of most of our lives.

These whackadoodle wingnuts are trying to convince the American people that Teddy Roosevelts' progressive income tax + Bill Clinton's tax rates = Socialism. The ones who believe this is true are morons. The rest, who know it's all a big fake out, are hoping that there are enough morons out in the heartland that this lie can be sold in the next few days.

Luckily, a century of universal public education has all but guaranteed they will fail.

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 08:42 AM

He is talking about a return to the tax rates we saw under Bill Clinton - the most prosperous era of most of our lives.

The economy under BJ Billy was nowhere near the most prosperous, his tax increases caused a slow recovery and it was not until the very end of his admin that it did recover.

Housing prices doubled from 2000-2006, so there is no way that BJ Billy had the most prosperous, its ridiculous.

Only in lefty bizarro world does rasing taxes make the economy stronger.

Posted by: ML at November 2, 2008 09:52 AM

Housing prices doubled from 2000-2006...and created the deepest economic catastrophe since the Depression! Seriously, the stupid on the right BURNS.

I work in residential real estate and lending. The housing bubble was not prosperity. It was, in the famed words of the great Randain Alan Greenspan - irrational exuberance. Those houses were never worth what the banks were lending on them. They created a false prosperity that has now created an all too real economic collapse.

The stock market and the overall economy historically has done far better under Democratic administrations than under Republican. So even though all your heads will be spinning with Obama Derangement Syndrome, you'll all still be better off. Relax, wingies. You have nothing to fear but your own ignorance.

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 10:12 AM


and forcing banks to lend to people not able to service their mortgage was nothing eh?

Face it, Barry and his boys don't respect private property because private property means indepence from government.

Socialism is nice and cozy but real adults are smothered by it.

The Left is a whiney infant demanding its teat by "right".

And, fuckwit, you forget that there was a real definitional recession brought on by the Clinton era money-for-nothing-chicks-for-free. But also considering your ignorance of history that Teddy Roosevelt was the first income taxer (he was 3 y/o when the first personal income tax was imposed by Congress) puts you in the same category as Joe "FDR was on television in 1929" Biden.

Posted by: Darleen at November 2, 2008 10:59 AM

Darleen, it's too bad that you are such a fuckwit you don't even realize what constant shite you spew. Every wingnut blogger I read seems to be living proof of the result of their hatred for education. I wonder what your educational background is, either formal or informal, because you really don't seem to know how to do anything other than insult the majority viewpoint of your fellow countrymen and women.

No one forced any bank to make any of the thousands of loans I was closing in the years from 2002-2006. 100% of those who took out those ridiculous Interest Only ARM balloon loans were well heeled employed people buying real estate they expected to increase exponentially in value. They were fooling themselves and the banks were raking in the fees they charged for those bad faith loans. Then the banks turned around and bundled those bad loans and sold them to other banks without full disclosure. Intelligent people who actually understand the banking industry (i.e. NOT YOU) describe the process as "selling blankets with smallpox"...The banks unloaded their bad loans and destroyed the smaller lenders they sold them to.

You don't sound like an adult. I can't even describe you as a whiney infant. You sound like a pure and simple moron who swallows any stupid meme Roger Ailes feeds you and then you poop it out like a big smelly dookie the next day. You've done nothing but turn swill into shit, but damn! Aren't you so proud of yourself for doing it?

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 11:06 AM

I'd also like to give a direct quote from the great Republican hero, Teddy Roosevelt"

""At many stages in the advance of humanity, this conflict between the men who possess more than they have earned and the men who have earned more than they possess is the central condition of progress. In our day it appears as the struggle of freemen to gain and hold the right of self-government as against the special interests, who twist the methods of free government into machinery for defeating the popular will. At every stage, and under all circumstances, the essence of the struggle is to equalize opportunity, destroy privilege, and give to the life and citizenship of every individual the highest possible value both to himself and to the commonwealth......
"No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned. Every dollar received should represent a dollar's worth of service rendered, not gambling in stocks, but service rendered. The really big fortune, the swollen fortune, by the mere fact of its size, acquires qualities which differentiate it in kind as well as in degree from what is possessed by men of relatively small means. Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax which is far more easily collected and far more effective, a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion, and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate."

Oh, gasp! Is John McCain's personal hero a ...gasp!...socialist????

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 11:11 AM

little fuckwit fails to notice that fiscal conservatives and libertarians don't think of Ted, McCain or Bush "one of them".

Death taxes and progressive income taxes are the mark of greed and lust.

Keep coveting your neighbor's Lexus, there are several neighbors coveting your stainless steel refrigerator.

Left = soul of the looter

Posted by: Darleen at November 2, 2008 11:23 AM

She put a Sarah Palin= Cunt sign on top of the Teddy Roosevelt quote. What kind of person is this Darleen freak?

What country does she even believe in? Doesn't sound like the U S of A. She hates Teddy Roosevelt, she hates FDR, she hates McCain, she hates Bush. Maybe you should hook up with some of Todd Palin's America hating buddies and move to Alaska and work for secession. You hate your fellow Americans. You hate our great American traditions. You want to create some whacko libertarian paradise, so seems like you need to go find someplace where there are some other whackos who agree with you.

No one wants your frigging Lexus. If you have one, good for you. Go drive it all over the place, because you won't be taking it with you. If all you want out of life is to get lots of stuff and hate all the people who you think want to steal it, it sounds like you're already living in hell on earth.

[sweetcheeks, I'm just making it easier for the readers to identify you as the unthinking Obamabot you are... an automaton uninterested in debate, let alone in any good faith debate. You spew talking points from historical ignorance, but do it because you think it will tie up others in taking you seriously.

You have no more intention of being taken seriously than ACORN is in adhering to registration law or Campaign Obama is to cleaning up their fraudulent, dirty donations.

You, dearest, are a sick little joke with a drool cup.]

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 11:38 AM

In other words, you need to label my objective quote from one of our American presidents with an obscene cartoon...to warn one of your 4 or 5 readers that my posts upset you so much you can't contain yourself.

You've demonstrated your TOTAL ignorance on the banking crisis. You've regurgitated the same nonsense wingnut talking points that every wingnut blog spews. Faced with actual objective facts and quotes, you insult me and demonstrate just how much disdain you have for our great country and its history. You are seriously a piece of hateful anti-American shit.

The most glorious thing about the coming victory is that it will be such a crushing, resounding defeat of Wingnuttia and their hateful delusion that they ever, for a second, represented the "real America". You don't even frickin admire this country. You just want to see it transformed into some vile Randian paradise that it was never and will never be.

Posted by: Leah at November 2, 2008 12:01 PM


Its supply and demand and stupid democratic policies being enforced upon the free market.
Clinton’s CRA changes in 1995, the democrats blocking multiple republican efforts to reel in Fannie and Freddie. Obama (D) suing banks for not issuing enough sub-prime loans.
Barney Frank (D) being finance chairman and his gay lover being an exec. at Freddy Mac or Raines also a (D) getting 90 million while cooking the books at Fannie Mae, but it’s all the republicans fault. Yeah sure it is.

While the bubble has now burst, a lot of people made a lot of money from 2000-2006 on real-estate, a lot of people upgraded their homes putting a lot of people to work and pumping trillions into the economy. Any halfwit knew it wouldn’t last forever, the economy goes up and the economy goes down, housing prices outpaced wages by a large margin. The halfwits that knew this would happen to have made hundreds of billions in hedge funds in the last year.

The current admin whether (D) or (R) really has little to do with the economy which is driven by many different influences.

Posted by: ML at November 2, 2008 12:58 PM

A speechwriter for Obama, Edwards, and Clinton on why she’s voting McCain.


Posted by: ML at November 2, 2008 01:17 PM

Such a potty mouth on Darleen these days. The prospect of a black president really pains her.

Posted by: Josh at November 2, 2008 02:13 PM


I've been running a 102 temp the past two days ...my suffering bad faith trolls like Leah has been short.

BTW, Josh, haven't you heard? Voting Obama is not going to expiate your sin of being a racist, which you are just by the fact you are a person of pallor ... sez Charles Ogletree, Barry's "advisor" on race .. see you are only voting for Barry's "white" half.

Too bad, so sad, you'll still have to wear your white-guilt hairshirt.

Since I know race is a social construction and racism is the basest of collective ideology and I have consistently rejected identity politics, I have no "white" guilt. I can criticize a persons positions, values and ideology and know that being accused of being a racist for it only shows the accuser has bought into racism themselves.

See, I won't have a socialist in the White House regardless of melanin level or sex. Too bad Thomas Sowell is too old to run. He is my ideal president in any era.

Posted by: Darleen at November 2, 2008 02:35 PM

Sorry about your fever. I'm not voting for Obama to expunge any sins of racism because I have no such sins to expunge. I'm voting for him because he's smarter, wiser, more mature, and has better ideas than his opponent.

Contemporary conservatism, of which you are an ardent adherent, is little more than white identity politics. Your entire political outlook is little more than white cultural identity. That's why you worship Sarah Palin and George W. while the rest of us think they're jokes.

Posted by: Josh at November 2, 2008 03:46 PM


Now who's full of hate. Calling your audience "fuckwits," "racists," and then excusing it as just a feverish tirade. You're full of anger, resentment, hate, for the Left. That's all you have left. You have nothing positive to offer. Your Wingnut, echo-chamber fellow bloggers Michelle Malkin and Protein Wis-dumb are in the same scream category. You're running on empty. Done. Kaput. No ideas. Just hate, Spew, racism, hate, hate, hate. Give it up. Take down the blog. Enough already. You're getting nowhere. Go out and get some experience. Get our of Orange County for fuck's sake. Stop the nonsense.

Posted by: Brad at November 2, 2008 05:19 PM


The only person I cussed was the troll Leah.

And I'm only calling Josh "racist" via Oglestree's definition, not mine. Since Josh labors under the delusion I'm not voting for Barry because he's Black, I'm calling Josh racist because he's only voting for Barry's white half.

Sarah Palin is a racist according to Josh, a woman in a mixed race marriage

But, I suppose, since she's off the Left reservation she's an inauthentic female and her hubby is a race traitor.

Such is YOUR ideology, Braddykins.

Again, Barry is unqualified in many areas not to be President, not the least of which he wants to "fundamentally change" America. He has no respect for capitalism nor the Constitution.

I don't vote for socialist Europhiles who have unrepetent terrorists for friends and mentors.

Posted by: Darleen at November 2, 2008 05:34 PM

No, I didn't claim you're not voting for Obama only because he's black. It's mostly because you emotionally identify with Republicans and have an irrational and freakish hate of Democrats. You'd vote for a serial killer if he was running against a Democrat. Of course Obama's blackness bothers you, but I never claimed that it's the main reason you hate him.

Posted by: Josh at November 2, 2008 08:20 PM


I've worked on Democrat campaigns (city level) so don't tell me I have an "irrational fear" of Democrats.

I have supported fiscally conservative Dems in the past and worked against Republicans in the past and probably will do again.

The most enjoyable political conversations I've had about this election, even though we don't always agree about the candidates, is with a moderate Democrat, about my age, who also happens to be black. We have many of the same VALUES.

While Obama shares some values with me on the micro scale, on the macro he doesn't. He doesn't see America as it was founded. He dismisses the inherent values of equality of birth (an American individualist value) and wishes to change America to embrace the equality of outcome (European socialist value)

I will never ever vote for anyone that puts The State above the individual.

Posted by: Darleen at November 2, 2008 09:01 PM

I will not vote for Obama because, he is too wet behind the ears and:

1. He supports abortion and infanticide, just sick if you ask me.
2. Increased Spending, typical democrat.
3. Supports affirmative action, surprised?
4. Crime record, soft on crime.
5. His track record in the Chicago school system, didn’t improve anything despite hundreds of millions being spent.
6. Man made global warming, its all BS that will cost US tax payers billions.
7. Energy, no drilling.
8. Foreign policy, no lunch with terrorist.
9. Gun Control, local gun bans not OK with me.
10. Health care, I don’t want socialized medicine.
11. Home land security, soft on crime again and lunch with terrorist combined.
12. Open Border stance, soft on illegal immigration.
13. The War on terror.
14. Friends and associates, not good.
15. He is a hard core liberal, what more can you say.

Posted by: ML at November 2, 2008 09:50 PM