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November 22, 2008

'But Mommy! **UPDATED** and Updated again!

I thought steaks and chicken and turkeys were raised on styrofoam trays covered in plastic!"


h/t Cassandra with an extra helping of snark

Ye Gods, to think that all this time, we have been eating animals! Live animals that some ... monster had to murder in cold blood before their tender, juicy carcasses magically showed up in neat little shrink wrapped packages down at the local Piggly Wiggly.

Note to the nancyboys at MSNBC: grow some hair on those balls, assuming, of course, you have 'em and they have actually descended.

UPDATE Mark Steyn

But in this case Sarah Palin was merely indulging in the wearily obligatory annual leaden cutesiness of issuing a gubernatorial pardon to some designated Thanksgiving bird in order to provide the local news shows with their traditional unfunny "funny story" for the "And finally..." closing item. Viewers owe her a debt of gratitude for choosing to perform this dreary ritual in front of a backdrop that entirely undermined it.

UPDATE 2Eric Scheie

Candy-ass goes mainstream
Heh, heh.

Posted by Darleen at November 22, 2008 09:28 AM


Palin's vapidity and word-salads are more disturbing than anything that was going on behind her. I thought she was over her head on the national stage but apparently she can't even talk about being governor of AK intelligently.

Posted by: Josh at November 22, 2008 10:26 AM


This was an "in your face" thing. I'm sure she knew exactly where she was standing and what was going on and knew the nancyboys would hissy all over the place.

Sorry you manicured, metrosexuals are threatened by happy, strong women.

Posted by: Darleen at November 22, 2008 10:29 AM

Welcome to the real world.

Ironic how showing dead people on the news is OK and of course movies glorify murder, but we cant handle seeing turkeys getting ready for thanksgiving, that mindset is just beyond screwed up.

A funny story I read, a guy stuffs a turkey with a chicken and cooks it, he has a twenty-something female relative over and when he puts the turkey on the table he says: oh look this one was pregnant!

It then took about 30 minutes to convince the twenty-something it wasn’t true.


Posted by: ML at November 22, 2008 10:38 AM

Barack speaks so much better.

Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out

Posted by: ML at November 22, 2008 10:45 AM

in the video at 1:15

Q: with the decline in oil prices are you concerned about state programs being on the chopping block?

Palin: Thankfully we are in a good position now, fiscally speaking. But it made no sense that at $140 a barrel some lawmakers wanted to spend, spend, spend. We were warning them then, the administration was, that we had to prepare for the day that the price of oil would plummet; which, of course, it has done. So, we prepared then, reigned in the growth of government then and we will now ... it comes into play at this point ... where those savings we set aside -- forward funding anticipating a drop in oil, accounting for that -- all of that comes into play now with $50 a barrel oil.

Sounds on par with any other governor I've heard answering questions in the field

but I guess a nice looking female with a sunny personality and the dreaded "R" after her name makes it all "vapid".

Sez a heck of a lot more about Josh then it does about Gov. Palin.

Posted by: Darleen at November 22, 2008 10:58 AM

Actually it's barely comprehensible, and she isn't particularly nice-looking. A 6 at best. I've sent better-looking cougars home alone from the bar on a Saturday night.

If it was an in-your-face-thing, why is she now claiming she didn't know, you bitter old crank?

Posted by: Josh at November 22, 2008 06:16 PM


You commenting about her looks shows how shallow you really are and how juvenile.

But I am sure Pelosi is more your type!

Posted by: ML at November 22, 2008 10:18 PM

Darleen brought it up, fool. Try to keep up.

Posted by: Josh at November 22, 2008 10:29 PM

It is almost impossible to parse a Sarah Palin sentence, to break it into subject-predicate-object. You can usually glean what you think she's trying to say, but she rarely says anything that makes sense.

The turkey vid was great comedy though. She is a comedy gem! Such an oblivious fool. It's not that people don't know where their turkeys come from, but for this silly woman to not understand the inappropriateness of having animal slaughter as a backdrop to her political posturing was just...hilarious!

And yes, ML, it's usually the Palin fangirlz who call attention to her looks. This seems to be a big deal to them. Apparently they regard it as a big step forward that a stupid woman can finally profit off of her good looks ... as if that isn't the oldest trick in the books already!

Posted by: Leah at November 23, 2008 05:19 AM

Yeah, it's really kind of sad how much male conservative support for Palin seemed to be based on her making them happy in the pants. See, e.g., Lowry, Rich.

Posted by: Josh at November 23, 2008 09:38 AM

It's true. Between the hockey/soccer moms who thought she should be VP because "she's just like meeeeeeee" and the geezers who wanted her to be VP so they could save on their Viagra prescriptions, I think the Republican party managed to finally convince America that they never had any intention of putting Country First.

Posted by: Leah at November 23, 2008 10:59 AM

You guys are just trying to coverup for the tingles the One sends up legs every time he speaks.

Posted by: ML at November 23, 2008 11:35 AM

Even if that were true, ML, you can't escape from the fact that he's got her beat by about 80 points on the IQ scale. And that's being generous to the Word Salad Chef.

Posted by: Leah at November 23, 2008 11:46 AM

Nobody fumbles worst then Tingles.

Don’t forget Jimmy Carter had the highest IQ of any president and we know how well that worked out.

So good luck with that.

Posted by: ML at November 23, 2008 12:41 PM


I'm sure you have the IQ tests to prove that spread, eh?

Thought not. The One won't even discuss his years at Columbia nor his grades.

and BTW, IQ doesn't denote values, ethics nor morality. There are some very bright, very immoral people out there who can be as predatory as any gangbanger -- Ted Bundy or Ayman al-Zawahiri -- or just amoral slobs like Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden.

Posted by: Darleen at November 23, 2008 01:24 PM

Yes, Darleen, I'm sure Obama's impeccable family life and the way he conducted his campaign, refusing to slip into the gutter with the Repubs, indicates that his values, ethics and morality are in question. I'm sure comparing him to Ted Bundy indicates your exceptional degree of political acumen, as well.

Do you have any idea how deep your kind of Repub/Con is driving that party into the ditch? You stayed high on your 911 addiction for so long you never realized the rest of the country had come to regard you all as the lunatic fringe.

I guess you have a case though. A goofball who can't create a proper sentence and who gleefully exploited her own kids for political gain is just the ethical, moral moron that would have guided us through the financial meltdown the last Republican moron bequeathed to us.

I am so glad you all are still in love with this dingbat. It's going to make for some great entertainment - and lots of Dem votes - in the years to come.

Posted by: Leah at November 23, 2008 02:15 PM

way he conducted his campaign, refusing to slip into the gutter

Your kidding, right? Or just delusional? Calling Bill Clinton a racist? Sexist attacks against Hillary? Attacking McCain due to his war wounds? Using Ohio government officials to attack Joe the Plumber? ACORN? Deliberate disabling of credit card security apparatus to facilitate money laundering? Refusing donor transparency? "Lipstick on a pig"? Middlefinger "nose scratching"? Any criticism of His Vastness labeled "racism"?

Leah! They have meds these days to help you! And you're going to need them as that Chicago machine Pol is proving his emptysuitiness as we speak.

Posted by: Darleen at November 23, 2008 02:53 PM

Palin remains a red-hot number
Pursued for books, movies

Mrs. Palin is considering about 800 requests for appearances from December through 2009, with 75 percent coming from out of state.


Posted by: ML at November 23, 2008 03:46 PM

Darleen, you ridiculous dingbat...Do you really never poke your nose out of wingnuttia long enough to realize that those things are ALL the paranoid fantasies of your creepy wingnut media? The one that is rapidly turning your party into a marginalized freakshow of God & Gun Nuts?

That Chicago machine pol is your President, lady. Suck it up. He's going to do his best to get this country back on track after your party ran it into a ditch and then blew it up. It's going to be a long eight years for you, sitting on the sidelines, whinging and bitching and polishing that tin foil hat every day.

Posted by: Leah at November 23, 2008 06:55 PM

Wow, Darleen's really around the bend. It's great for us, though, Leah. I'm wishing for success for the Darleen faction of the GOP. If this keeps up they won't win any state outside the Old Confederacy and will go the way of the Whigs.

Posted by: Josh at November 24, 2008 09:58 AM

Every time I hear them double down on Reagan, I just start cheering. At first, it was infuriating. We NEED two parties in this country. One party rule by either party leads to ossification and corruption.

So, although I don't agree with cons, we still need Republicans. So, I was interested in seeing how they would re-make their image, but I see from wingnuttia how the cons just think the reason they lost was "they weren't conservative enough."

After three weeks it's just amusing. As much as the country needs a check on power, it doesn't need it from half-wits who think you cut taxes when the economy's good and you cut taxes when the economy's bad. Darleen, your fetish for theocon politics, war abroad, and tax cuts will be the end of the Republican Party as we know it. Suddenly, the loss of the Whigs, errr Republicans doesn't sound so terrible.

As for Governor Palin, as I maintained on the pages of Protein Wisdom, she is no conservative. She raises taxes, begs God for help with gas pipelines, and leaves jobs with public debt in her wake. There's no Barry Goldwater there. just an obscene ambition and a nice resume. At best, she's Democrat-lite. Since we already have enough Dems, she can stay in Alaska and keep building that bridge to nowhere and putting government assets on ebay.

Lastly, I enjoyed your litany of made up Obama sins. I note quite a few of them are allegations yet to be proved true, one is blaming him for the actions of an Ohio State employee unaffiliated with his state or national campaign, two are just made up right wing crap (he gives the finger and the very mention of lipstick should be embarrassing for you). Right-wing outrages, like missing "W's" from keyboards, Vince Foster's "murder," and Obama's "connection to ACORN" are not real, honey. They are all in your head.

Posted by: timb at November 26, 2008 08:07 AM

it doesn't need it from half-wits who think you cut taxes when the economy's good and you cut taxes when the economy's bad.

Yes, simple math says if the American family has less money because the economy is down, then just raise their taxes, that will help them out.

That is quarter-wit math for you.

Posted by: ML at November 26, 2008 08:24 AM

Then when can you, ML. If the answer toe a purplus is a tax cut, if the answer to a growing economy is a tax cut, if the answer to a deficit is tax cute, and the answer to a recession is a tax cut, precisely when do Baby Boomers intend to pay for their retirements, their foreign wars, and their bloated deficits?

Tax policy discussion with ML? Let's hope he knows more about this than he does the Bible.

Posted by: timb at November 26, 2008 09:43 AM

You cant spend money you don’t have and spending money is what drives the economy forward.
That growing of the economy will increase tax revenue without raising income taxes.
And the government has no choice but cutback on spending, they cant keep their freewheeling spending ways and republicans play a part in the overspending.

Posted by: ML at November 26, 2008 10:57 AM