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October 20, 2008

Why shouldn't Europe be happy with a Prez Obama?

I mean, they are certainly helping to buy him

A Newsmax canvass of disclosed Obama campaign donors shows worrisome anomalies, including outright violations of federal election laws.For example, Obama has numerous donors who have contributed well over the $4,600 federal election limit.

Many of these donors have never been contacted by the Obama campaign to refund the excess amounts to them.

And more than 37,000 Obama donations appear to be conversions of foreign currency.

According to a Newsmax analysis of the Obama campaign data before the latest figures were released, potential foreign currency donations could range anywhere from $12.8 million to a stunning $63 million in all. With the addition of $150 million raised in September, this amount could be much more.

Well, Europe has been whining for some years that they should have a say in who gets to be the President of the United States.

Looks like they are putting money where their mouth is.

Posted by Darleen at October 20, 2008 12:06 AM


Whew...your "brain" must hurt, holding so many conflicting ideas in its tiny little receptacle. The dreaded MSM treated Clinton like a celebrity? I guess you were too busy blowing guys for crack to notice the little things like Whitewater and the impeachment over consensual sex.

It must suck to be so wrong so often.

Posted by: Jeebus at October 20, 2008 06:46 AM

Hahaha. Newsmax. Hahaha. Oh man, keep 'em coming please.

Posted by: Josh at October 20, 2008 04:00 PM

Josh, even the Obama asskissing AP notes that Barry is not transparent with his $$$.


Keep chuckling along with the numbnutz above you that doesn't know the first thing about the newspaper business "if it bleeds it leads" other than that, it is advocacy "journalism".

Nice little alternate reality y'all like to inhabit, but then facts are not a top priority with the Left.

Posted by: Darleen at October 20, 2008 04:58 PM

Darleen is looking for facts? What a refreshing change.

Let's try Open Secrets - Obama's page

As you can see, 92.4% full disclosure and only 5.5% no disclosure. Oh, and 94% of his donations are from individual contributors.

By contrast, we can check Open Secrets - McCain's page

Hmm, only 86.8% full disclosure and a full 10.1% no disclosure. Plus, only 77% from individual contributors.

There's your facts, Darleen. Is it time for you to shut up yet?

The right looks more ridiculous every day with the assbackward way they're trying to slime Obama with their own sins. They are relying on the reservoirs of ignorance and hatred in the American population.

Posted by: Leah at October 20, 2008 07:19 PM

Ouch. Epic smackdown by Leah.

Posted by: Josh at October 20, 2008 09:22 PM

Also note, 'leenykins, that the AP article you linked says only 3.3 mil might be from foreign sources, not the 12-68 million Newsmax, chuckle, says. Also note that they don't say anything about any lack of transparency.

Posted by: Josh at October 20, 2008 09:24 PM

Raw: Police Drag Anti-Plain Protesters Away From Motorcade at Last Second

Posted by: ML at October 21, 2008 08:53 AM

Ouch. Epic smackdown by Leah.

Says Leah's john.

Posted by: qdpsteve at October 22, 2008 11:37 PM