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October 15, 2008

Obama's little ACORN

Growing into massive frauds across the nation. Lawsuits, raids, and even a RICO filing abounds.

LANSING -- The head of a group that promotes voter registration acknowledged Tuesday that members of his organization have submitted bogus applications to county election offices.

But David Lagstein, head Michigan organizer for ACORN, the Association for Community Reforms Now, defended the effort.

"It's our policy to hand in every single card," he said. "Sometimes we do get the occasional application with names like Mickey Mouse or some silly thing like that. However, we don't want to be the arbiter. Our job is to hand in the applications."

What ACORN is doing is the paper equivalent of a Denial of Service attack on websites. Overwhelm small and medium election boards with thousands of fraudulent registrations, some may get through, many will not, but it will break down the system and errode confidence.

Michelle Malkin reports on out-of-state Obama activists registering to vote in Ohio.

Obama has extensive ties to ACORN, which he continues to obfuscate.

This is Chicago machine politics, married to Alinsky's Rules for Radicals brought to the national stage.


Posted by Darleen at October 15, 2008 06:30 AM


ODS strikes again on the wingnut set. Let us know when you have evidence of actual vote fraud, will ya? I won't be holding my breath.

Posted by: Josh at October 15, 2008 09:00 AM

ODS! I think that will be running rampant the next four years, Josh!

It's kind of boring to keep correcting this silly appartchik, but here goes:

- Voter registration fraud is NOT voter fraud. The wino who fills out 75 registration forms himself so he can get 20 dollars to buy booze is NOT going to vote 75 times. Or even try to. He's probably not even going to vote once. How stupid to label these kind of people trying to scratch up a few bucks as Democratic operatives. (But stupid gets redefined every day in wingnuttia.)

- ACORN has to submit all the registrations they gather. Even those they know to be false, such as ones made out to Mickey Mouse. They have to flag them as suspect, and they've been doing that. But now they're being treated as scum for following the law.

-0bama's strongest connection to ACORN is when he represented them in a lawsuit back in the 90s - a lawsuit joined by no less than the Department of Justice.

- McCain has also supported ACORN within the past few years. It's not worth my time to dig up the link but video is all over the net. I believe there's even commentary about it on your dearly beloved Michelle Malkin's site. MM's conclusion: "we are so screwed". LOL!

Keep trying Darleeny. You're batting 1000!

Posted by: Leah at October 15, 2008 03:30 PM

You can tell its ODS because Darleen's theory of Obama's mischief doesn't even make sense. Obama benefits from high turnout; why would he want to "break down the system" and diminish turnout? And since he's likely to win, as he's currently polling 6-14 points ahead of McCain, why would he want to "errode [sic] confidence" in the legitimacy of his likely victory? It's a completely daft theory Darleen is pushing. But to an acute ODS sufferer like Darleen, Obama = bad, so anything bad must have something to do with Obama.

Posted by: Josh at October 15, 2008 05:16 PM

Josh, Leah, I gotta ask--are you like committed to this site? Do you check here every 5 minutes?

Posted by: Cowboy at October 15, 2008 06:10 PM