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October 15, 2008

Mr. Hymietown returns, sez Zionists will lose under President Obama

Jesse Jackson, confident of an Obama victory, dusts off the anti-Semitism.

PREPARE for a new America: That's the message that the Rev. Jesse Jackson conveyed to participants in the first World Policy Forum, held at this French lakeside resort last week.

He promised "fundamental changes" in US foreign policy - saying America must "heal wounds" it has caused to other nations, revive its alliances and apologize for the "arrogance of the Bush administration."

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House. [...]

Obama has been "a neighbor or, better still, a member of the family." Jackson's son has been a close friend of Obama for years, and Jackson's daughter went to school with Obama's wife Michelle.

"We helped him start his career," says Jackson. "And then we were always there to help him move ahead. He is the continuation of our struggle for justice not only for the black people but also for all those who have been wronged." [...]

"Bush was so afraid of a snafu and of upsetting Israel that he gave the whole thing a miss," Jackson says. "Barack will change that," because, as long as the Palestinians haven't seen justice, the Middle East will "remain a source of danger to us all."

"Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims," Jackson says. "Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith."

Now, let's be clear. The "Palestinian" definition of "justice" in the Middle East is the destruction of the state of Israel and the expulsion (or death) of all Jews. Mr. Jackson is not so stupid not to know that. Interesting that he finds the atmosphere so congenial he can let his anti-Semitic sentiments have full voice.

The One's campaign was quick to toss Rev. Jackson under the very crowded bus.

Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi said Jackson does not advise Obama and is "in no position to interpret or share Barack Obama's views on Israel and foreign policy."
Though, considering Obama's own vacillation, either from naivete or indifference towards the ME, such statements from members of his political career family, shouldn't surprise.

People who think Israel has the right to sovereignty should pay attention.

Close attention.

Posted by Darleen at October 15, 2008 05:36 PM


Actually, justice for the Palestinians means a two-state solution. You're not so stupid as not to know that. Or so I'd like to think.

Posted by: Josh at October 15, 2008 06:21 PM

A two-state solution that was specifically and categorically rejected by the Palestinians under Arafat, including dual possession of Jerusalem. A de facto two-state solution that exists now, with one state a functioning democracy that gives citizenship to Arabs, and the other a split kleptocracy that openly professes its desire to rid the Middle East of Jews.

Posted by: Chris at October 15, 2008 06:58 PM

To you, Josh, that might seem a satisfactory solution. Whole swaths of the Muslim world, however, including the Palestinians have demonstrated their unwillingness to settle for anything shy of Israel's total destruction.

Posted by: Cowboy at October 16, 2008 07:22 AM

Mythical “Palestine”
This 2-state solution was created in 1948, Israel and Trans-Jordan.
The Arabs rejected it and declared war against Israel, claiming they will push Israel into the sea.

For 19 years (1948-1967) Jordan and Egypt held the West Bank and Gaza strip and not once did they offer “Palestine” a state, not even once.

Its not about land or states, its about killing Jews.

“Palestine” invented in 1967 for liberal consumption.

Posted by: ML at October 16, 2008 08:02 AM

I wonder how long Mexico would last if they started lobbing rockets into So. Cal, while claiming it was “their” land in times past, they are just “freedom fighters”, the US is oppressing them so terror attacks are justified and then sit back and watch the liberals do there bidding for them.

Posted by: ML at October 16, 2008 08:06 AM

Excellent point, ML.

Posted by: Cowboy at October 16, 2008 11:45 AM