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September 30, 2008

Pelosi Reid Obama - Party and Power before Country


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, the number two House Democrat in authority (behind only Speaker Nancy Pelosi), in defending his party from responsibility for the defeat of the financial stability bill today, delivered the all-time lamest excuse I’ve ever heard (my transcription from video on the PBS NewsHour; boldface mine):

“No Democrat that we could get to vote for the bill didn’t vote for the bill.”

Behind that tortured double-negative is a tautology. This is empty double-talk — delivered by the dishonest, intended for the gullible.

Pelosi, sometime over the weekend, decided that letting the economy tank for Obama’s campaign was the best thing to do. And her hysterical partisan rant right before the vote was just part of it.

And the MSM continues to be nothing but A Democrat Party organ.

Bolshevism at its finest. Somewhere in hell, Saul Alinsky is smiling.

Posted by Darleen at September 30, 2008 06:38 AM


Uh, more Dems voted for the bill than Republics. Pelosi did a better job than McGimmick, who couldn't even get his own party to follow his lead.

You also don't appear to know anything about Bolshevism, so you might want to look into it before you use it again.

Posted by: Josh at September 30, 2008 12:52 PM