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August 12, 2008

Poor little gangbangers have it so hard ...

Los Angeles Times runs an article on gangs "getting into" identity theft.

Well, doah. I've only known about this and warned friends and family for years. Nice to have LATimes catch up.

But the end of this article has to be read to be believed

Gang members sometimes recruit corporate insiders, said Linda Foley, co-founder of the Identity Theft Resource Center, a San Diego nonprofit group that helped with the study. They visit restaurants and other hangouts, listening for people complaining about money troubles, then offer cash in exchange for information they can use in identity theft.

She said gang members need to do such things because they often have trouble finding a job and having the opportunity to orchestrate an inside job on their own. "It can be hard to get hired when there's a swastika tattooed on your head," Foley said.


Posted by Darleen at August 12, 2008 12:09 AM


"It can be hard to get hired when there's a swastika tattooed on your head"

I love how they imply that these are white gangs in LA doing this. When was the last time a white gang dominated in LA?

Posted by: Digger at August 14, 2008 06:33 PM