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March 31, 2008

Politics as religion: The Prophet Gore

It's not just Barry Obama who has become the cult figure of a faux religiousity by Democrat followers who usually make public their contempt for the godbotherers of non-left-centered Christianity and Judaism; but note the language in covering Al Gore as the possible Dem nominee come the convention in Denver:

Plans for Al Gore to take the Democratic presidential nomination as the saviour of a bitterly divided party are being actively discussed by senior figures and aides to the former vice-president. [...]

Former Gore aides now believe he could emerge as a compromise candidate acceptable to both camps at the party's convention in Denver during the last week of August.

Two former Gore campaign officials have told The Sunday Telegraph that a scenario first mapped out by members of Mr Gore's inner circle last May now has a sporting chance of coming true.

Couple this re-floating of Gore as Deus ex machina with a jaw-dropping exercise in fawning, ankle-licking worship from the ostensible news show, 60 Minutes
When Al Gore ran for president in 2000, he was often ridiculed as inauthentic and wooden. Today he is passionate and animated, a man transformed. His documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," won an Oscar, and last year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Now he's a certified celebrity, the popular prophet of global warming, and has helped change the way the country thinks about the issue.

Listen to the video and hear Leslie Stahl doing a verbal Lewinsky on Gore ... her coquettish attitude, complete with eye flutter and head tilt, is genuinely insulting to any half-way intelligent audience member who might want Al Gore to be asked the hard questions vis a via human caused global warming climate change.
Gore is trying to redefine this as a moral and spiritual issue. "We all share the exact same interest in doing the right thing on this. Who are we as human beings? Are we destined to destroy this place that we call home, planet earth? I can't believe that that's our destiny. It is not our destiny. But we have to awaken to the moral duty that we have to do the right thing and get out of this silly political game-playing about it. This is about survival," he said.

The hysteria over global warming climate change has Prophet Gore dismissing each and every apostate as:
"They’re almost like the ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona and those who believe the earth is flat. That demeans them a little bit, but it’s not that far off."

How far would a President Gore go to shut up people like Roger A. Pielke Jr?

A larger question is why Leftists like Gore always find a new "crisis" to browbeat ordinary American citizens. And a "crisis" that really is manufactured as a moral crisis when true evil exists. One clue to the emptiness of the usual crisis-mongering is the way Leftists and their fellow travelers in the MSM change the language with no reference to the past. Global warming is now climate change. Liberals are now progressives. Abortion is now reproduction rights. It's a version of what one wag said about the Soviet Union -- "The future is known, it is the past that is always changing."

While we contemplate a Hillary! or Obamessiah presidency, let's not forget what a Prophet Gore would do to the remaining American elements of American society and culture.

Posted by Darleen at March 31, 2008 11:13 AM


Al Gore is going to destroy the remaining American elements of American society and culture!! American Americans must oppose him Americanally! In America!

This blog must be a parody.

Posted by: Josh E. at April 1, 2008 08:43 AM