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November 07, 2007

Los Angeles DCFS caught, again ...

LA Times

Los Angeles County's child welfare workers spent thousands of dollars in gift cards and entertainment tickets earmarked for foster children to buy themselves meals and attend musical events, according to an audit released Tuesday.

Among the most serious problems cited by auditors, county workers bought 160 tickets in July to see the hit musical "Wicked." County officials said the purchase was part of a gala event for foster children and their mentors, yet only 53 children and roughly the same number of mentors were given tickets.

The remaining seats went to employees of the Department of Children and Family Services and their relatives and guests, along with unidentified potential mentors and a number of not-for-profit organization employees, auditors wrote. The event cost $14,000.

The audit of the department also faulted employees for using gift cards -- bought with county money to supply food and clothing to foster children -- to pay for staff luncheons.

Wow, never heard that one before. Just think, a government monopoly to provide essential services diverting monies to itself and the true recepients left in the cold.

Oh, please DO nationalize medicine! It'll be the exception, right? Just like our lovely public schools?

Posted by Darleen at November 7, 2007 06:52 AM


Good point Darleen. We can't have the government running anything. Privatize the LAPD and the DA's office!

Posted by: Josh at November 7, 2007 10:54 AM

A followup to the voucher story for the LA Weekly, if you are interested.



Posted by: DH at November 16, 2007 09:05 AM