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October 30, 2007

There are no adults on the Left

I know I've asked where are they? before, but if there's any more evidence to present that the Left is dominated by emotion-driven adolescents, it will be secondary to Koskiddies blaming Bu$Hitler and the ZionistNeoConRethuglicans for their ruined friendships and marriages ... even for gaining weight!

begone: Hmmm, my relationship with myself, mostly.

Before my head began exploding a few years ago in response
to Busharama, I'd exercise a lot... I mean, almost daily, joyous-type
exericising. Now I come home with a slight frown on my face and
come here to hear the news & be a mojo-mama even if too
tired to comment, and hang for hours here and on other blogs,
as if the light will shine again and I'll be present to hear the
BREAKING news about that.

Bush, I blame you for my new-ish extra 20 pounds....

delphine: I haven't had a relationship since he took office.

But I can say that I've been trashed by potential online dating partners for stating I couldn't date anyone who thinks bush is a good presznit....

cowgirl: I have two co-irkers who are die hard Bushies. I've known them for years. Although we weren't all that close, I've spent time with them outside of work, spent many breaks and lunches together, and generally liked them a whole lot.

Eventually, their support for Bush got to the point where talking with them simply infuriated me. I'm still polite and cordial with them, but we don't hang out the way we used to. It's just hard to fathom their belief system. How can they not be angry at the war alone? That many deaths makes me sick to many stomach, and they support it? W.T.F.

I'm not a violent person, but the last few times I discussed politics with them, I had the strongest urge to thump them upside their pointy little heads...HARD.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, I guess.

It is harder than ever to parody these children when they are so good at self-parody.

But the insulated, myopic view also includes outright prejudice and bigotry. One can only read with open-mouthed wonder of a liberal's abject hatred of the military and her "struggle" with her shame of her son when he joined the Army.

When I tell people that Evan has joined the Army, their reactions are almost always the same: their faces freeze, they pause way too long, and then they say, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for you." I hang my head and look mournful, accepting their sympathy for the worry that lives in me. But as it dawns on them that Evan wasn't drafted, as Vietnam still clings to my generation, their expressions become quizzical, then disbelieving. I know what they're thinking: Why in the world would any kid in his right mind choose to enlist when we're in the middle of a war? I begin telling them the story, desperate to assure them it wasn't arrogant patriotism or murderous blood lust that convinced him to join. What finally hooked him was a recruiter's comment that if he thought the country's role in Iraq was so screwed up, he should try to fix it.
Amazing, isn't it, to see how the offspring of a liberal can actually be the adult one in a relationship.

(h/t Jawa, RWN and Best of the Web)

Posted by Darleen at October 30, 2007 05:15 AM


Their affliction is noted as Terminal Stage Navel Gazing.

Posted by: HughS at October 30, 2007 06:05 AM

Well, since it's pretty evident that there are no adults on the right, I guess we're left with a nation of children.

Posted by: Josh at October 30, 2007 09:27 AM

So, for Darleen, the anecdotal is the actual.

Posted by: Rightwingsnarkle at October 30, 2007 10:57 AM


You are welcome to link to "people of the right" who blame Pelosi or Reid or even Hillary Clinton for their weight gain.

Posted by: Darleen at October 30, 2007 06:07 PM

Darleen pens an emotional and adolescent screed decrying adolescent emotionalism.

Where's your sense of shame?

Or, if you have no shame, where's your sense of irony?

Posted by: Rightwingsnarkle at October 30, 2007 07:20 PM

emotional and adolescent screed

And you can source your assertion?

Posted by: Darleen at October 30, 2007 08:22 PM

How about if I link to people of the right who think Hillary had Vince Foster murdered? Or those who think all muslims need to die. Is that crazy enough for you?

I think RWS's source for your adolescent screed is the screed itself. Why would s/he link back to the same post s/he's commenting on?

Posted by: Josh at October 31, 2007 06:19 AM

I have liberal friends. We avoid talking about politics, if possible. I have no desire to bash their heads together.

I have gained weight over the past few years. The problem is my diet and exercise habits, not the party in charge of any one of the branches of government.

People who wish to blame their personal problems on political figures are not functioning as adults. Children blame others for their failings, because they do not understand the need for personal responsibility, they only see the need to escape blame.

Posted by: Chris at October 31, 2007 10:48 AM

Chris, I don't think anyone disagrees that these comments do not reflect minds that are sober, serious, or mature. The problem with this post is that Darleen has, based on these comments, made the unjustifiable leap to the conclusion that "there are no adults on the left". I submit that this fallacious "reasoning" reflects a mindset similar to that displayed by the DailyKos commenters.

Posted by: Josh at October 31, 2007 12:25 PM

And I submit that Darleen's statement may be a gross oversimplification, and a generalization to boot, but that it is essentially accurate. In general, conservatives do not jettison their liberal friends, they just stop talking about politics to them. The reverse is, in general, not true. In general, conservatives don't blame impersonal forces for their personal choices. The reverse, in general, is not true. These generalizations come from the differing mindsets of each camp. They are stereotypes, certainly, but like all stereotypes, they have a grain of truth at their center.

Posted by: Chris at October 31, 2007 05:06 PM

They are stereotypes, certainly, but like all stereotypes, they have a grain of truth at their center.

Those aren't stereotypes. They're bald and wholly unsupported assertions.

Posted by: Josh at November 1, 2007 07:43 AM

I try to suppress the emotion of hatred, especially toward those who themselves are so full of it, but that's how I feel when I read the Kos kids' comments.

These views are utterly despicable, and unfortunately all too common.

Posted by: Americaneocon at November 2, 2007 08:47 AM

No adults, and the system seems dedicated to maintaining that juvenile state. Without the kiddies, who would need a nanny state?

Keep at it. Loved your show.

Posted by: OregonGuy at November 9, 2007 04:02 PM