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October 19, 2007

Here's a little thought experiment ... [updated]

... on yesterday's discussion on the sexual exploitation of children under 14.

I've heard and read so much from the supporters of this scheme that it is being done for "health" reasons.

Ok. We know some children will be pressured into experimenting with all sorts of adult activities. What if we were talking about smoking? What if the school district, recognizing that even 11 y/o's might be out there behind the school or over in the vacant lots on their way home are lighting up some Malboros, started offering non-nicotine/low tar cigarettes, or even smokeless cigs so the children could smoker safer?

Think we'd be having the "kids are going to have sex, we just must make 'em safe" discussion?

Or would school districts try to pair with parents promoting programs for immediate intervention and treatment to stop the smoking and getting the kids to healthier place?

[BTW sorry about the interruption yesterday ... my hosting company evidently had some server problems]

UPDATE and you know St Amanda would see any non-leftist who thinks handing Nova BC pills to 11 y/o's like a snack in the trick-or-treat bag is some "wingers hates teh childrens" conspiracy:

Few things are more indicative of our mainstream media’s idiocy than the fact that right wingers have been allowed to wave the “family values” banner for so long despite this rather unseemly hostility to minor children.

More thought, and more snark on the issue from Womenstake. Salient point: The contraception is being handed out to middle schoolers in direct reaction to the alarming pregnancies in the middle schools. Dress it up however you want, but the screaming over this policy is straightforward opposition to direct measures to keep girls from giving birth when they’re in middle school.

Marinate in that idiocy for awhile.

Technorati: Maine, Contraceptives, ,

Posted by Darleen at October 19, 2007 06:19 AM


Darleen, you trying cause blood to shoot out of the eyes of the smoking Nazis?

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at October 19, 2007 08:06 AM

Any wonder why home or private schooling is becoming more popular amongst those who can afford it, i.e. those who've been through college? The trend is obvious, trickle down through the educational system. Here's a solution, and I'm just tossing it out there for argument purposes, how about education no longer be funded by the government, citizens voluntarily pay what they feel is appropriate for what their child has learned?

Posted by: Boss429 at October 19, 2007 05:32 PM

Meh, when Amanda is mentioned I overlook what the flaming twit has to say, however since Darlene made it an update, begrudgingly I will reply to the twits words. Responsible parents have control over their 11 y/o's lives, irresponsible parents don't. Instead of handing out b/c pills, which are linked to cancer, to 11 y/o's why not spay and neuter irresponsible parents? Amanda?

Posted by: Boss429 at October 19, 2007 05:42 PM