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September 10, 2007

Note to Congressional Democrats - have you NO SHAME?

There are few words to convey my utter contempt for this pusillanimous, puerile posturing

Outside a South Carolina barbecue joint Monday afternoon, former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., called the ad "outrageous" and said, "MoveOn.org has today, in effect, said that the General leading our brave troops in Iraq is betraying his country. This is the group that funds the Democratic Party. all upon the Democratic Party and all of the Democratic candidates for President to repudiate the libel of this patriotic American."

But Democrats said doing so would be falling into a GOP trap and criticized Republicans for trying to change the subject from the substance of Petraeus's testimony.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said while the ad gave Republicans "a new talking point," Reid would not be decrying the ad.

"They have every right to buy an ad in The New York Times," said Reid spokesman Jim Manley. "The issue isn't Gen. Petraeus, who's a good man and a fine soldier. The problem is that he is being brought in during the fourth quarter and the administration is trying to give him ownership of the entire game. They cannot deflect responsibility like this. The American people know how we got to this point and know that it is time to change course."

Edwards, Obama, Reid, Sanchez, Lantos, Wexler, et al...

Justice would have you driven into the street and whipped like curs as you are driven from the company of decent folk.

And take MoveOn, Kos and Pandagon with you.

Posted by Darleen at September 10, 2007 09:29 PM
