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August 29, 2007

Iraq, the big picture and how the MSM has betrayed the public

It has been said "bloggers don't originate news" and for, the most part, that is a correct assessment, even as those who peddle the line try to use it as an disparagement or dismissal.

However, the strength and value of the new media is no better illustrated then in this magnificent roundup and analysis of the negligence of the Mainstream Media and their responsiblities. It is an extensive, taught review, with links to original sources, that clearly and definitively shows how ill-served the American public has been by a Mainstream Media whose motivations run from incompetence and disinterest to outright anti-Americanism.

Bravo, Karl. Bravo!

Posted by Darleen at August 29, 2007 08:32 PM


Jeff at Protein Wisdom says the MSM is at fault for the war's unpopularity.


The numbers of KIA and wounded have nothing whatsover to do with the war's unpopularity, according to Jeff. The fact that there is no end in sight also has nothing to do with the war's unpopularity if you believe Protein.

No, blame the MSM and never blame the policy.


Reminds me of a certain US senator's remarks after haveing been caught attempting (literally)
with his pants down in an airport men's room.

The good senator did nothing wrong as he insists and anyway, it's all the MSM's fault. That bad old Idaho Statesman.....


Sen. Lindsey Graham is the other elephant in the room. I'm wondering how long it will be till he too is outed.

Posted by: Carl W. Goss at August 30, 2007 08:18 AM

Carl, if you go back to PW and take a close look at the title of the thread you're talking about, you might notice [Karl] at the right side. You knew that means Jeff didn't write the post didn't you?

Posted by: Boss429 at August 30, 2007 09:58 AM