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February 22, 2007

Yep. 'Nuff said.

Michael Ramirez

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Posted by Darleen at February 22, 2007 01:01 PM


Yep. 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Josh at February 22, 2007 04:29 PM

Link above doesn't work.


Posted by: Josh at February 22, 2007 04:30 PM

Good lord, Josh

Democratic Congresscritters are falling overthemselves with "pull out of Iraq NOW" give up, surrender and abandon Iraq to the Islamists and Al Qaeda while on the other hand feeding the fiction that only "losers" join the military and you DARE say that those of us that find such anti-US soldier rhetoric are Nazis?

Damn. I'll try and hold the best thoughts I can...that you've just lost your moral compas.

Posted by: Darleen at February 22, 2007 04:39 PM

I didn't call you a Nazi. I pointed out that your propaganda is similar, which is a fact you didn't even try to dispute. Now, are you going to try to do some thinking on the issue, or is this emotional response the best you can offer?

Posted by: Josh at February 22, 2007 05:29 PM

'Propoganda', Josh? And Democrats/Retreatists haven't effectively used propoganda, for the last few years, when they decided to stop supporting our troops, and launch the Bush Bashing Campaign, using the 'Bush Lied, Soldiers Died' line? That single line, proven to be a liar's line 500 times over, should win the Leni Riefenstahl 'we turn our backs on our troops'award, given to the proudest retreatists in Congress, Murtha and Pelosi.

But, given that you are an armored moonbat, such political cartoons as you've characterized as propoganda should bounce right off your protection. You won't, or can't, care what happens to our troops in Iraq or for that matter, civilians in New York, as long as your party can win seats. That's your ultimate goal, isn't it, Josh?

Posted by: serr8d at February 22, 2007 07:15 PM

Question is, should the US be involved in a civil war? Two Islamic sects are fighting it out in Iraq.

Right now we're taking sides with the Shia. The Sunnis arn't happy with that situation.

They arn't happy about being pushed out of power; power they've held for hundreds of years. The Shia, on the other hand, like being in power and won't give up without a fight.

(Oh, and when the two factions arn't killing each other, they kill Americans.)

Bonehead Neocons thought they could imposed Jeffersonian democracy on Iraq at the point of a bayonet; thought they could depose one group for another in Iraq and not have civil discord.

Most Neocons have changed their minds about Iraq, but some have not. The deadenders I call 'em.

The deadenders, those gasbags from the Weekly Standard and Fox News, keep on pressing the president to stay in Iraq notwithstanding the midterm elections and the polls.

Well, it's nice to know the Brits have seen the light; they're getting out.

What does Blair know that Bush does not?

Hopefully the US will also; just declare victory and get out.

Posted by: Carl W. Goss at February 23, 2007 03:26 PM

Just what is your definition of a civil war? And what if the Sunni and Shia want to kill each other? Is that the sole determinant in US policy decisions?

One more question: If the US "just declares victory and gets out" what do you predict will happen in the region and how will you deal with it?

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Posted by: maricdss at February 24, 2007 03:16 AM

Something's got to be done about those damn malicious postings.

This site is too good to be hacked up.

Posted by: Carl W. Goss at February 24, 2007 09:52 AM

Maricbmb and serr8d appear to be equals in erudition.

Posted by: Josh at February 24, 2007 04:56 PM

Let's see who is stabbing the troops in the back.




Posted by: blubonnet at February 26, 2007 04:12 PM

Darleen, why don't the links...link?

Posted by: blubonnet at February 26, 2007 04:13 PM