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October 16, 2006

UN -- Moral cretins pontificating

No fictional farce can do this better

The fifth seminar in the Unlearning Intolerance seminar series of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), entitled "Cartooning for Peace: The Responsibility of Political Cartoonists?", will explore the rights, roles and responsibilities of political cartoonists in promoting peace issues.

The anger and divisiveness engendered by the publication of the caricature of Prophet Mohammed and the recent controversial exhibit on the Holocaust suggest both a sense of the power and of the necessity of responsibility in the art of cartooning.

Why yes! Those events are equivalent because we all remember how Offended Moslems(tm) -- rioting, murdering, burning in the wake of "blasphemous" cartoons -- were met by Offended Jews rioting, murdering, burning -- in response to the Holocaust-as-Jew-conspiracy cartoons.

Let's not address that the moslem's calculated thug behavior is the problem; let's tell cartoonists and anyone that may offend moslems to SHUT UP.

So, how long before the UN is demanding Western governments to institute "blasphemy" laws and that Sharia be instituted for local moslem communities?

In the interests of multi-cultural "respect" and "tolerance", of course!

(h/t LGF)

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Posted by Darleen at October 16, 2006 07:05 AM


There's an interesting article on the question of how, exactly, European intellectuals and artists feel about radical Islam.

Simply put, they aren’t happy campers.

Operas aren’t performed. The Tate withdraws exhibits. Filmmakers are murdered by Islamic extremists. Writers go into hiding. (Remember Salman Rushdie?) Islamic websites threaten creative artists. Newspapers have to think twice about publishing cartoons. The Pope is criticized for quoting a Byzantine emperor.

Free expression and radical Muslim ideology simply can't coexist. Fact is, the liberal democracies in both Europe and American are going to be put at risk, if things don’t change soon.

Thankfully many Europeans on both sides of the aisle now recognize this fact.

The article is http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-euroislam16oct16,0,7189767.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Posted by: Carl W. Goss at October 16, 2006 08:29 AM