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October 09, 2006

Over the past few days ...

I've decided a far more annoying discussion in regards to Battlestar Galactica is not the silliness of trying to draw parallels with contemporary events (the whole Cylons=America Humans=Iraqi terrorists schtick) but the discussion decrying the "betrayl" of BSG's "gender-neutral universe" by having the colonists on New Caprica "obsessed" with having babies. Or having Roslin teach children. Or having the Sharon on Galactica use Helo's last name ...

I mean, think of it! The last 50,000 humans in the whole universe who think they've found a safe world to colonize and they are ::::gasp::: trying to reproduce!!

How shocking! How patriarchal!

How frakking silly.


Posted by Darleen at October 9, 2006 09:10 PM


Man, New Caprica sounds like my kinda town ;)

I've now rethought my whole opinion on nuclear weapons due to this post. Let the missiles fly! As long as I'm one of the lucky 50,000 left I'll be getting some serious action.

Posted by: Digger at October 10, 2006 12:16 AM