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August 14, 2006

Islamists here and abroad - UPDATED

During WWII it was the German American Bund that was both a Nazi cover group and a propaganda arm for American Nazi supporters and apologists. During this war with the murderous, totalitarian ideology of Islamism we have even American kids being inculcated with this abject immorality.

These kids look to be about nine or ten, wearing the haute terroriste keffiyeh ('popularized' by the now roasting in hell Arafat) and chanting such lovelies as "hey hey ho ho we support the PLO."

Jaysus on a Pony, will we ever hear an end to these lame 60's hippie-inspired chants?

While the German Islamist American Bund marched in Washington DC, just what were some of the people they support doing? Well, how about murder and mayhem in the street? (warning, graphic imagery).

I hope that International A.N.S.W.E.R., the Leftist organization behind Saturday's worldwide demonstrations of anti-Semitism, are near the top of the FBI's terrorist watch list (long with CAIR).

If you are an American moslem, this is your responsibility. Start rooting out the terrorist sympathizers in your midst. Make note of them. Turn them in. If you don't, you are no morally different than the American Nazi supporters of 1939.

If you are an American that still clings to the belief that this is all Israel's fault, or Bush's fault, or the fault of Jews and Christians -- fuck you. You are the new American brownshirts.

(h/t Beth)

UPDATE Zombie, as usual, has an excellent photo roundup of the San Francisco Islamist American Bund in action. Pay particular attention to the first pic and remember the flack I got for this.

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Posted by Darleen at August 14, 2006 07:24 AM
