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July 06, 2006

Tokyo Murtha update: The video tape debunks his own press release

Defeat Murtha, Elect Diana Irey
I first posted on Murtha's Miami shoot-from-the-lip here. Then there was a dustup from Murtha supporters that he couldn't have said such a thing. I even posted on the controversy here, noting that I wanted to see the video or hear the audio before I took Murtha at his word.

Now Kevin at Wizbang has the video and I was right.

Remember, Murtha says in his press release:

For illustrative purposes, I provided the example of a recent Pew Poll which indicates a greater percentage of people in 10 of 14 foreign countries consider the U.S. in Iraq a danger to world peace than consider Iran or North Korea a danger to world peace.
Compare that with this from the video
Just think what that does to us internationally.

On the debate on the floor of the House, and I was leading the debate on the floor, and this one fella says, "You talk about terrorism." He says, "Ask Spain."

Well you ask Spain. Fifty six percent of the people in Spain think it's more dangerous, the United States is more dangerous in Iraq than Iran is.

Everyone of our allies think that the United States being in Iraq is more dangerous to world stability and world peace, every one of our allies; Great Britain, every single country... They think its more, uh, we're more dangerous to world peace than North Korea or Iran.

That says something.

Where's the Pew Poll?

Kevin asks Will the Sun-Sentinel revise their story yet again? And a better question is why did they do a hatchet job on the original story, introducing information directly from Murtha and his supporters into the coverage, with no sourcing? They hung their own reporter out to dry.

Considering the orchestrated campaign to "get" the Sun-Sentinel reporter and the pressure for the newspaper to "correct" the story, we should be surprised?

As commenter Cliff Hancuff claims in my second Tokyo Murtha post

We here at "The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too" tip our hats to all those who have taken up our cause that we began at 12:03AM Monday, June 26, 2006, when I sent an email complaining about Elizabeth's article to 39 staff members at the Sun-Sentinel and 70+ staff members at the Arizona Star.
I'm not surprised.

UPDATE I just went back and visited Murtha's press release. The link to theinfozone.net, which Cliff has been pimping for, is gone. Hmmmmmmm.

Technorati: , ,

Posted by Darleen at July 6, 2006 09:54 AM


So, chancuff was here too, eh? Looks like he made the rounds! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA!!!

Wipe the egg from your faces, boys.

Posted by: Beth at July 6, 2006 11:11 AM

I'm just not seeing any reference to a Pew Poll, maybe he quoted the Pew Poll before he didnt quote the Pew Poll.

Posted by: Jane at July 6, 2006 11:15 AM

Kevin's right, just as I thought all along--you have to see the whole video, take it all in context. Even if he HAD quoted some Pew poll, it would have been used to illustrate the same thing--Bush Bad; Imperialist, Inept America Bad.

He's such an f'ing asshole.

Posted by: Beth at July 6, 2006 12:02 PM

I am so glad you posted this!!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 6, 2006 01:34 PM

That picture is soooooooooo freakin' funny!!! LMAO!!

Posted by: Tom Blogical at July 7, 2006 09:47 AM

- Its becoming downright amazing to watch the Left implode as a direct result of the failure of it's "Iraq = Viet Nam" agenda. It's one hell of ah crap shoot, and if it fails, and its certainly not looking good at this point, they might actually have lost even the slight initiative they had for Congressional victories in the fall, let along 2008.

- The ammunition they're handing the GOP, their own special quagmire of "defeatist/anti-American/cut and run/aid to the enemy/unpatriotic/traitors to the cause" is simply political suicide. Nobody can believe whats going on, and they won't listen to their own moderate advisors.

- Watching the Liberal candidate in Mexico, it's almost as if the Left is particularly unsuited for competitive Democratic elections. Maybe they should just stick to what they do best. Overthrow by force in the smaller contries where they can pull it off. Politics seems to get the better of them at every turn.

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at July 7, 2006 10:14 AM

Looking at the large number of blog posts I've placed throughout the blogsphere in the last 2 weeks, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking they look like spam.

My apologies to all.

Some interesting things happened today. I received an email response from Bill Pasco(e) of Diana Irey's campaign against John Murtha for the 12th District of Pennsylvania seat in the House of Representatives.

In responding Mr. Pascoe's email, I found it useful to CC that response to him to Elizabeth Baier and her editor Ms. Rosenhause (Managing Editor Sun-Sentinel).

The topic of those emails was "Rovian Architecture Unplugged". If you are interested to learn more, feel free to write them.

Make "Rovian Architechure Unplugged" your subject heading so they know what your inquiry is about.

Their email addresses:

Bill Pascoe phone: (724) 258-2300


Elizabeth Baier


Sharon Rosenhause


Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Posted by: chancuff at July 11, 2006 06:01 PM

Who cares what he said... This is the survey he was citing -- http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=252 -- and the results condemn this failed policy.

Actually, 13 out of 14 nations surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project -- including all of our major allies, middle eastern countries, China, and Russia -- saw our presence in Iraq as having more of a negative effect on global peace than anything Iran is doing.

"The survey shows that the Iraq war continues to exact a toll on America's overall image and on support for the struggle against terrorism. Majorities in 10 of 14 foreign countries surveyed say that the war in Iraq has made the world a more dangerous place. In Great Britain, America's most important ally in Iraq, 60% say the war has made the world more dangerous, while just half that number (30%) feel it has made the world safer."

"Moreover, even as concerns about Iran have increased, somewhat more Britons believe that the U.S. military presence in Iraq represents a great danger to stability in the Middle East and world peace than say that about the current government in Iran (by 41%-34%). In Spain, fully 56% say the U.S. military presence in Iraq is a great danger to the stability of the Middle East and world peace; just 38% regard the current government in Iran in the same way. Among America's traditional allies, Germany is the only country where more people say Iran is a great danger than offer the same view of the U.S. military presence in Iraq (by 51%-40%)."

What part of this don't you folks get?

Also, how many of you are currently in the military, or have family members there? If you serve, thank you for your service. If you have close family there, my heart goes out to you. If neither of the above, yet you want to be a war cheerleader, I have but one thing to say: "Sign up, or shut up".

[why am I not surprised you ended your hissy fit with the pernicious "chickenhawk" perfidy? Being 'popular' is for beauty pageants and box office receipts, it rarely has anything to do with being right. ~Dar]

Posted by: tampabaydemocracy at July 12, 2006 12:15 AM

Despite an email warning to Mr. Pasco to contact Sharon Rosenhause, Managing Editor at the Sun-Sentinel, Mr. Pascoe still made sense having this posted at Ms. Irey's site.

"Is Murtha channeling Marty McFly? Congressman’s June 27 press release magically includes information from … June 28?"

In my email exchange with Mr. Pasco yesterday he attempted to float this clever headline to me in an email. I responded with this:
If you really want to follow this "rapid crash journalism" course of action of yours, let me assist you in doing so properly. This is John Murtha's original press release issued by Cindy Abram on June 27th.


You can understand why Cindy Abram updated Mr. Murtha's press release from the 27th now, I presume. After all, most would conclude that the Sun-Sentinel, who created this mess to start with, was in a better position to fix what Elizabeth Baier broke than theinfozone.net.

Please note: Ms. Baier as well as her editor Ms. Rosenhause are recipients of this email.

Mr Pasco(sic), perhaps they will be gracious enough to assist you towards a more lucid understanding of your "Marty McFly" insight.

Apparently Mr. Bill Pascoe puts more faith in continuing his slander strategy than makes sense.

For the sake of clarity, inquiries to Mr. Pascoe should include the Subject Line: Mr. Bill

Ms Rosenhause has her own special part in this. You may wish to contact her as well.

Bill Pascoe
phone: (724) 258-2300

Sharon Rosenhause
(954) 425-1200

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Posted by: chancuff at July 12, 2006 10:22 AM

This guy Hancuff has been spamming the net with my site for weeks. Ignore him. Come to think of it, ignore me and my site too. We're both a bit off :)

Posted by: JamesRedraw at July 25, 2006 10:54 AM