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June 13, 2006

Oh, lord, and we complain about drivers in Los Angeles


RAZDORI, RUSSIA - In most countries, only emergency vehicles, such as ambulances and fire engines, enjoy the heady power to exceed speed limits, run red lights, move against traffic, and compel other drivers to yield.

But in Russia, an estimated 5,000 officials and, reportedly, many wealthy businessmen, now sport a blue flashing light with siren on their cars - the migalka - that entitles them to make up their own road rules. [...]

But the number of lesser officials with migalka rights has ballooned from just 30 in 1994 to more than 5,000 today in Moscow alone, say experts. Some Moscow thoroughfares now have a special reserved center lane where VIPs simply sail past traffic jams. But on some roads they often just charge down the middle, forcing other drivers onto the shoulders. "The way they drive makes everyone indignant, and it creates a very dangerous situation on the roads," says Mr. Ryzhkov.


Posted by Darleen at June 13, 2006 12:01 AM
