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March 31, 2006

War Kids Relief

I don't often say must read, but today I have to urge you to read Jeff Harrell's piece about Captain Jon Powers and his personal mission to rebuild youth centers in Iraq.

In late 2003, Jon was on a routine — if anything in such a place can be called routine — humanitarian mission to a Baghdad orphanage called St. Hannah's when one of the nuns took him aside. She asked him not to come visit the children again. If the insurgents, who were _always_ watching, saw the American soldiers visiting the orphanage again, she said, they would massacre the children.

Jon Powers never meant to be a soldier. He wanted to be a teacher. He didn't want to put kids in danger. He wanted to take care of them.

It was in that moment, that horrible, sinking moment, that the idea for War Kids Relief was born.


Donate here.

Posted by Darleen at March 31, 2006 07:30 AM


Thanks for supporting our work with the youth of Iraq. We need to teach these children to use tools to help rebuild their country before someone teaches them to use weapons to destroy it.



Posted by: Jonathan Powers at April 3, 2006 07:33 AM