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March 09, 2006

Stupid and mean ain't no way to go through life, boy

...and when a group of self-selected stupid and mean males file lawsuits like this

A national men's rights group plans to file a federal lawsuit this morning in U.S. District Court in Detroit, claiming that fathers have the legal right to opt out of the financial responsibilities of supporting a child they didn't want -- in a claim they dub "Roe v. Wade … for Men."

A Troy lawyer for the New York-based National Center for Men said he will file a long-shot lawsuit on behalf of 25-year-old Matt Dubay of Saginaw that seeks an order declaring the Michigan Paternity Act unconstitutional. Dubay recently was ordered to pay support for his 8-month-old daughter.

In 2004, Dubay, a computer technician, began dating a woman who worked in cell phone sales. He said she told him she couldn't get pregnant -- because she was using contraception and had physical conditions that prevented her from getting pregnant.

After three months, they stopped dating -- but soon afterward, she told him she was pregnant.

"It's just not fair. She has options in this. As a man, I have no options and am forced to live with her choices," Dubay said Wednesday night. "I was up front. I was clear that I didn't want to be a father and she reassured me that she was incapable of getting pregnant."

...makes you wonder how many men read it and cringe.

Dubay? If you don't want to be a father - ever - have a vasectomy or make sure you don't put your sperm anywhere near an ovum. A child exists because of YOU and that child - legally, morally and ethically - is entitled to support from both parents. Period. Stop WHINING.

"We will argue that, at a time of reproductive freedom for women, fatherhood must be more than a matter of DNA," Feit said. "A man must choose to be a father in the same way that a woman chooses to be a mother."
Again, the idea that the sexes are, and should be treated, the same. Not equally, but the same.
Saginaw County Circuit Judge Patrick McGraw recently ordered Dubay to pay $475 a month -- plus half of all health care expenses for the baby girl, Cojocar said.

He sold his dream car, a 1998 Trans Am, and took in a roommate to stretch his budget so he can begin to make child support payments next month.

Poor baby. I feel your pain.

Yet more evidence demonstrating the difference between males and men.

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Posted by Darleen at March 9, 2006 06:55 AM


This is a natural extension of pro-choice politics. If a woman has the absolute choice as to whether or not to have a baby, then it really *IS* unjust to automatically hold the man responsible for the choice of the woman.

That's just one of the logical absurdities that makes me pro-life. The "pro-choice" legal philosophy is unjust in many different ways.

Posted by: Strider at March 9, 2006 11:33 AM

"Differences between males and men"? Don't you think this article says something more important than that? Like the fact that a baby must rely on the status, finances, and relations of its parents for its own survival? As a non-American (and very, *very* proud and glad to be), I read the phrase "half of all health care expenses for the baby girl" with horror. America is the richest country in the world, but it doesn't pay for it's own children's healthcare. I really wonder why you people think it surprising that many foreigners don't consider American society as the ideal model. Think about it. Please.

Posted by: Distressed foreigner at March 16, 2006 12:11 PM