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February 05, 2006

Juan Cole - Dhimmitude personified!

JAYsus H. Christ. Buildings are being burned, threats to exterminate Europe are bandied about, and we are treated to this Informed Comment(sic)?

Several readers have asked what I think about the protests among Muslims against the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published by a Danish newspaper.

Of course people are upset when their sacred figures are attacked! But the hurt is magnified many times when the party doing the injuring is first-world, and the injured have a long history of being ruled, oppressed and marginalized.

Moreover, most Muslims live in societies with strong traditions of state censorship, so they often assume that if something appears in the press, the government allowed it to do so and is therefore culpable.

Westerners cannot feel the pain of Muslims in this instance.

Unbelievable. Yes, he's an "academic" but this is just too unreal for words.

UPDATE other 'reaction' from the Left covered by:

Michelle Malkin
Jeff Goldstein

Posted by Darleen at February 5, 2006 10:40 AM
