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January 26, 2006

The good news about Hamas' election

Let's hear no more equivocation about the clear goals of the "Palestinians" -- extermination of Israel.

Posted by Darleen at January 26, 2006 09:36 AM


So what's your solution: annihilate them?

Posted by: Brad at January 26, 2006 09:46 AM


What is it about my stating the reality of the situation that gets you in such a tizzy? Yes, the information is painful, but grow up and face it.

Posted by: Darleen at January 26, 2006 09:52 AM

I know what you say the reality of the situation is, Darleen.

So please answer my question: do you think there is no diplomatic solution to the Palestinian problem?

Posted by: Brad at January 26, 2006 10:18 AM

Heh, heh, Brad, the US and a lot of the rest of the world has been looking for a "diplomatic" solution to the Palestinian problem since the 1970's---right about the time the media started lionizing Yassir Arafat as a freedom fighter.

What have we gotten for it? Billions in foreign aid piddled into the black hole that is the PLA, the intifada and countless murdered civilians, and now a terrorist group voted into power. Arafat was offered a Palestinian nation, right before the Intifada; he turned it down.

So, what's your solution? Give them yet more American Taxpayers' dollars? Force Israel to give up yet more territory?

Why is so hard for guys like you to accept the fact that the Palestinians are, basically, a gang of murderous thugs? Is it because you've fallen in love with the idea of the plucky little Moslem freedom fighters, taking on the bad ol' Zionists, and just can't abandon that pretty fairy tale?

Posted by: TalkinKamel at January 26, 2006 10:43 AM

the Palestinians are, basically, a gang of murderous thugs

Gee, I wonder how such a statement would be received if "Palestinians" were replaced with "Jews" (or "Hispanics" or "Koreans" etc etc)?

Posted by: Brad at January 26, 2006 11:00 AM

Brad, does the name, "Leon Klinghoffer" mean anything to you? And what about those American diplomats Arafat ordered murdered? And Arafat's close and cuddly relationship with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was, in turn, close and cuddly with Adolph Hitler? And the other close relationship Arafat had with the Russians?

And that quaint and uniquely Palestinian invention of suicide bombing, wherein a Palestinian homicide bomber goes up to a checkpoint, or into a pizza parlor, a bar mitzvah, a dance hall, etc, and blows himself up, just in order to take a few Jews with him (or her)? What about that heartwarming mommy, Umm Nidal, who just got elected by the Palestinians, who rejoices in the fact she sent her sons off to die? Remember the Palestinians all dancing and passing out candy on 9/11? Man, they were just having a little ol' mass orgasm over the deaths of 3,000 Americans that day, weren't they, Brad!

Have you ever studied the real history of the PLO, or just sweetened up, politically correct sound-bytes?

I calls 'em as I sees 'em, Brad, and from what I see---the Palestinians, and those who support them, are thugs. Killers. Sickos who hate Israel so much they rejoice when their kids die---as long long as they take a few Jews with them. Do you support this sort of society, Brad? One that urges kids to become "martyrs"?

Playing the ol' racist card won't work here. I don't see Jews, Hispanics, etc. doing the same things, as a group, the Palestinians do. Any sane and decent Palestinians have probably been terrorized into silence, or fled the country at this point; for them I truly am sorry. And we haven't helped them one bit by giving the PLO money, or going through the sorry charade of pretending the gang of crooks who run it are actually statesmen, worthy of respect.

For the ones who adore Um Nidal, and elected Hamas---I ain't one bit sorry! They are a gang of murderous thugs.

Posted by: TalkinKamel at January 26, 2006 05:38 PM

- I know that the Bedouin tribes that are so losely termed a "country" have been at it in the region since '48. I alos know that they most likely will never stop waring until something dramatic just makes it any longer possible. But one thing I heard mentioned by some pundit on the scene of the elections is that a Hamas member told him, as the voting was in progress, and early exit polls showed Hamas doing very well; "We're a little upset with this. I}f we win too much we'll havre to thing about actually running the country, and its a lawless mess out there." Interesting. I think what I'd draw from that is that just maybe the stronger leaders will see a chance to finally gain some respectability and try at least to establish so kind of control. Probably not but short of that, theres only one resolution to this in the end.

- The hate groups, in concert with Egypt, and Syria at the time, have never been able to accept that when they tryed a baldfaced takeover in '67 they got their collectives asses handed too them, even with the help of Russia behind them. They're
just never going to accept peace and build their country. Its unimaginable the amount of money theu've squandered over the decades, while they're people starved in a needless war.

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at January 26, 2006 10:05 PM

- Actually if it comes to it and we find we need to cut the head off the snake, Iran in fact, the main sponser and leader state of Hessbelah and Hamas, then the client groups in the region would be down to just one source of serious money. It seems that Iran and Syria, as always are inveriably at the heart of it all.

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at January 26, 2006 10:19 PM

Israel should not have to give up one more square inch of land to them, and they should get back all of the land God gave Abraham!!!

I wrestle with this whole Hamas issue. True, Israel should get their land. But the Hamas folks are militant, they are not peaceful, and they do not negotiate (for Brad and others, please note I am talking about Hamas, not Palestinians in general).

Israel needs to defend themselves, true. But it's gotten to the point where they are experiencing suicide bombings on a daily basis, more than once a day. Now, the Palestinian leader is a man who hates Israel more than the last guy.

Can Israel fight Hamas? And if they do, will it result in even more warfare? And if the US supports Israel, will it lead to more 9/11's?

This is a mess.

Posted by: Marian at January 27, 2006 07:04 AM

Israel should do what it must do to defend itself, and not worry what the rest of the world is going to say---since the rest of the world is just going to condemn it out of hand, no matter what it does. And I think it's a pretty sure bet Hamas is going to start launching attacks against it.

Israel is already in a state of war; the question is, who'se going to win?

Posted by: TalkinKamel at January 27, 2006 07:53 AM