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September 09, 2005

Not for the shy - Making lemonade out of psychos

Jeff Harrell yanks the rug out from under a jealous/psycho stalker and amazingly raises money for the Red Cross at the same time.

Fair warning, can be graphic (as in X-rated) but my admiration for the man just went up some significant notches.

BTW... I donated $25 at his Red Cross button. You?

Posted by Darleen at September 9, 2005 08:51 AM


Jeff Harell forgot to mention he is laying another persons wife--nevermind the fact, contributing to the breakup of a family--i dont see the humour at all in any of this. Don't you bloggers have any ethics?

Posted by: know one you know at September 10, 2005 01:43 AM

Is a wife property to you? And even IF everything you insinuate is true, does that justify harassment and blackmail?

BTW, Jeff could have easily taken this to the police. Don't labor under a delusion that "but he slept with my wife!" is going to impress a DDA when they decide to file stalking/threat charges.

In California it's under statute PC422. And we prosecute this crap all the time.

Whatever problems in the personal dynamics of a relationship, that stays between the couple and never justifies what this ex attempted.

He threatened to post a pic of Jeff, Jeff posted it first.

I applaud Jeff for that.

Posted by: Darleen at September 10, 2005 09:12 AM

Again, where are the ethics of bloggers? I never mentioned a wife being property--and why didn't Jeffy take it to the police??? Hmmmm...a little more to the story than Jeffy cared to share. Hypocrites!!!

Posted by: doesjeffy'sjunkwork? at September 10, 2005 11:23 AM

Oh my G-d.............WTF? I thought we were raising money for the despondant, when did this evolve into a trashy afternoon soap ?


Posted by: Pamela at September 10, 2005 12:22 PM

Sadly, Pam, stalkers don't go easily. Draw your own conclusions on the person posting here who completely ignores my points and the LUCK that is with him that Jeff decided to handle this on his own rather than going to the police.

He even tries to deny the implicit wife=property that his "laying another PERSON'S wife" demonstrates. He doesn't want to see the failure of a relationship as coming OUT of the relationship, just needs an outside party to target to avoid his own responsibility.

That's what we witness everywhere today. I'm ok, it's all YOUR fault.


River.Egypt.The usual.

Posted by: Darleen at September 10, 2005 01:38 PM

OMG!!! It evolved into a "trashy afternoon soap" when Jeffy chose to blog his "personal" business. First rule of blogs: Don't want comments? Don't blog it.

Posted by: doesjeffy'sjunkwork at September 10, 2005 04:30 PM