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August 09, 2005

Adopting while White --

Not enough, I do not have enough profanity.

I thought once the New York Times was publicly spanked for their attempt to get at the Roberts children's sealed adoption records this episode would rightfully fade away.

Certainly, this couldn't be a partisan issue? Certainly decent people were justifiably outraged that the thought of destruction of the lives of two preschoolers never even crossed the brain of the people who greenlighted this “lets see if we can get those adoption records” sleaze tactic.

WHAT.THE.FUCK then am I reading on Leftist and Left-leaning blogs supporting the NYTimes "investigation" and making excuses because the Roberts' adoption is weird (warning... a link to Asstrios -- the reprehensible Duncan Black[heart]). The concurrent little diddy in the comments there and elsewheres runs something like

"hey man, it's not like the story got printed! It's you rightwingers driving this thing.
And watch for the regular appearance of the Karl Rove Voodoo Doll™, a Leftist amulet to be waved about in order to avoid reasoned discourse.

So, listen up all you pernicious pettifoggers, you oozing-sore diseased souls who would cheerfully dance on the bloody bodies of children as long as the children come from the Evil Conservative families*

*good god, I just got a sense of deja vu. This is Alec Baldwin's rant to drag Republicans, their wives and children, into the streets and "kill 'em all."
The reason the NYTimes didn't go FURTHER with their "investigation" was because SOMEONE BLEW THE WHISTLE on them..it got OUT and suddenly an editor says [lines first run by a cabal of lawyers. of course] some reporters "got a little ahead of themselves" and the NYTimes is not going to do any "gratuitous" stories on the Roberts' preschoolers.

Got that? The decent people (of all political stripes) who were outraged enough to email/call/write the NYTimes got the dirt-digging stopped....as far as the NYTimes goes. We now witness bottom-dwelling scum suckers still trying to make excuses for the inexcusible. A crass, immoral variation on the old "have you stopped beating your wife?" schtick. Now it's "I find it weird there are white people in Latin America. Roberts must have done something illegal to get those aryan kids down there."

Good lord, are these morally-bankrupt hooligans also so flippin' provincial and ignorant to think there is nothing but an unbroken blanket of "brown skin" from TJ to Cape Horn? And they are unashamed to demonstrate such nose-picker obliviousness?

Everytime I think losers can't sink lower, I'm unfortunately proved wrong.

Next on the "Get Roberts Agenda"... "Remember the CoatHanger!" harridans at NARAL run an ad that Roberts has given support to people who bomb abortion clinics. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

Also see:
Jeff Goldstein
John Cole

UPDATE: food for thought from Jay Tea

Posted by Darleen at August 9, 2005 06:56 PM


Deja Vu!

Very close to my rant...


Posted by: Sinner at August 12, 2005 04:51 AM