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July 02, 2005

Saturday morning reads

Pamela of Atlas Shrugs is back from Paris! Welcome back, Pamela! She highlights the city as a belljar, where the residents live in cozy denial, even of the seething ghettos that surround the city. Weird.

Never mind!
Jeff Harrell easily disassembles a Des Moines Register's editorial this morning. The privileged, 19 y/o writer basically gets her facts wrong then rants from there. Said "Emily Litella" believes America has slaughtered foreign languages in its midst. Sheesh.

Don't miss Dean Esmay's post on reforming the UN. I only disagree about reform. I'm of the opinion the UN needs to be thoroughly scrapped. Yesterday. Replace it with a United Democratic Nations. Dean's money quote:

The old thinking on the UN boils down to this: "War is bad, the worst thing imaginable. So, you can butcher as many children as you want, torture as many people as you like, crush as many minorities as you please, treat your women like chattel, lobotomize and execute your homosexuals, grind every religious minority into the dirt, break as many bones and chop off as many limbs as you see fit, and obliterate every human freedom that annoys you: just don't bother your neigbors.
Smash has a very important message for you.

Charles Johnson has the latest hilarity from the Rovian Conspiracy mongers.

As I've pointed out before, those people -- in Washington, in the so-called MSM, in the blogsphere -- that are dragging out the Iraq is another Vietnam quagmire! meme, are not doing it as a warning, or with actual constructive suggestions on how to win in Iraq, but are giddy and hopeful about an American defeat. Brendan Miniter of Opinion Journal writes:

It's not that Massachusetts's Sens. Ted Kennedy and John Kerry learned nothing from the defeat in Vietnam. It seems that they learned all the wrong lessons and still have no problem with watching the U.S. lose an eminently winnable and moral war. ...

Yet we are winning the global war on terror by the only measure of success that matters: Terrorists have not successfully pulled off another attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001. We are also succeeding in Iraq and at pressuring much of the Middle East to move toward accepting the antidote to the hate-filled ideology that spawns terrorists: democracy and freedom.

Posted by Darleen at July 2, 2005 10:08 AM
