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July 06, 2005

Overheard at the Pearcy Cocktail Party

Guest: Dude! Long time! Hey, am I early? Hardly anyone here ...

Steve: It's all about Bu$Hitler you know and his Gestapo soldiers in Iraq. And the first amendment.

Guest: Uh. Yeah. Hey, have you caught War of the Worlds yet? Killer flick ...

Virginia: And we're gonna take down those bloggers who DARED defame us!

Steve: The first amendment, yeah. And tenants. Nasty, awful, Bu$Hitler tenants.

Guest: Yeah. Sure. Seriously, Steve, you gotta come out with me this Sunday for golf. Fill out our foursome, ok?

Virginia: I'm gonna get 'em! NO ONE BREATHES a word of DEFAMATION without FEELING MY WRATH.

Steve: Most awful tenants anyone could ever have. Who did they think they were? I saw it myself -- they never even made their beds in the morning! Conservative hypocrites - preaching family values and can't even make their own bed. Creepy lyin' Bu$Hitler youth.

Virginia: BUCK FUSH BUCK FUSH and anyone that DEFAMES us! Gonna get 'em, gonna get 'em ALL and their little dogs, too.

Guest [feigning a look at watch]: Sure sure. Geez, look at the time. It's been real but I gotta run...just remembered an appointment for a root canal I gotta make....

Yes, Virginia, this is satire. Here's an explanation of "who are the Pearcy's". Now why, you ask, would I even post about something I have yet to cover (save for one "go read this" link) on my own blog?

Well, one of my regular reads is Digger's Realm, and Digger has been all over the dispute between the Pearcy's and their erstwhile tenants from the beginning. On July 1, Digger ran an email from Steven Pearcy explaining his side of the dispute. In Digger's comments I offered my opinion on why I found the email less than satisfying.

Then at 1:36 pm July 5, an "Irene" drops a screed directed at me in the comment section declaring that I am DEFAMING Steve.

Oooo! Let me offer another opinion! I think "Irene" just might be Virginia! Why? Because I get a direct email from Steve at 2:00pm, offering up yet MORE explanations in a tone that is quite a bit less than solicitous.

Indeed, why in the world would the Pearcys even bother with a single commenter who has never even covered the controversy on her own blog??

Well, as has been clear to anyone connected with this case, the Pearcys have been threatening "lawsuits" at anyone covering it ... very much a SLAPP tactic to shut up and shut down people who find their behavior as landlords questionable (even leaving aside their despicable politics). I guess now is that even an unfawning commenter cannot be allowed to walk the world unscathed by the Wrath of the Pearcys.

Wow. The word obsession certainly crosses my mind.

Stevie and Ginnie ought to know that their little snit-fit in my direction doesn't exactly inspire faith in their credibility.

My advice to them? Seek psychiatric help. Now.

Posted by Darleen at July 6, 2005 12:45 PM
