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June 09, 2005

Incredible... just ...

Comment from the previous post.

The attempt of the "Right" to demonize an imaginary "Left" by constantly invoking 9/11 is a truly disgusting spectacle.
imaginary Left? I realize that the political labels are inadequate to cover the subtle mixes of values within each general sphere; however, to dismiss that there is a Left is pretty breathtaking. Especially from a commenter who presents himself as someone dedicated to "clear" writing.

Well, Thersites, you're welcome to do more than just a hit-n-run read through my blog entries and you'll find I differentiate between the Left and liberal. Indeed, I've decried that the anti-left liberalism that was the hallmark of the JFK (as in Kennedy, not Kerry-gawdforbid) Dems has been subsumed by the Dean/Kucinich/Soros faction of Leftism.

And I certainly don't need to demonize the contemporary American Left. Have I misconstrued their plans for the WTC site? Have I mischaracterized the anti-American rhetoric of AI's Irene Khan? Have I been mistaken about the Europhile meanderings of American Leftists who believe in assuaging the feelings of the UN over American interests or law?

I'm an AMERICAN, not just because I was born here, but because of the values I hold -- the foundational value being that sovereignty resides in the individual.

That is not something the Left believes in, that is one of the reasons they so eagerly embrace "moral equivalency" arguments (ie Gitmo = Gulag).

Posted by Darleen at June 9, 2005 06:17 AM


"I'm an AMERICAN, not just because I was born here, but because of the values I hold -- the foundational value being that sovereignty resides in the individual. "

I'm not an American, but I believe so too - that's why I could never bring myself to vore for Bush or the current incarnation of the republican party. They are doing everything they possibly can (except when it comes to taxes) to force their beliefs on the individual.

I also don't see how your statement fits with your views on immigration.

"Have I mischaracterized the anti-American rhetoric of AI's Irene Khan?"

Yes, I think you have. Unless you equate being against the current administrations policies on detention and interrogation of unlawful combatants to being "anti-American". There are those who are both, but I didn't see her comments as being anti-American. The Gulag comparison was way off the mark though.

Posted by: Mike at June 9, 2005 08:19 AM

They are doing everything they possibly can (except when it comes to taxes) to force their beliefs on the individual.

Excuse me?

You do know the difference between societal pressure and legislative, right? So do enumerate for me just what beliefs the GOP is trying to enforce by law that are not within the legitimate province of the government?

BTW... my views on immigration? What ARE you talking about? My views are fairly straight forward... the USA has the right to set immigration policy and to secure its borders.

Posted by: Darleen at June 9, 2005 09:41 AM

That is not something the Left believes in, that is one of the reasons they so eagerly embrace "moral equivalency" arguments (ie Gitmo = Gulag)

Darleen, I think the reason Amnesty compared Gitmo to the Gulag is because, well, it's a gulag there. Have you actually read anything about this? Have you looked at the government's own papers pertaiing to the treatment of prisoners/detainees? Try looking at som eof the docs in this book the next time you're in Barnes and Noble

So do enumerate for me just what beliefs the GOP is trying to enforce by law that are not within the legitimate province of the government

How about that Terri Schiavo law, for starters?

Posted by: Brad at June 9, 2005 02:34 PM

Somehow, I think the real question isn't what's Darleen read about Gitmo, it's what Brad et al have read about gulags.

Posted by: Patrick Chester at June 11, 2005 06:27 AM

Agreed, Patrick. And whether they have read the Geneva Conventions. And what tiny comprehension -- if any -- they have of Wahabbism, jihad and their own position under Shria and Dhimmi law.

A coupla few hundred fellas who think nothing of blowing up their own children to force everyone into their religious belief system vs several million people enslaved for *life* -- which usually lasted less than a couple of years. Yep - I'd call that Unclear on the Concept. Not to mention abusively trivializing and dismissive.

My firstthought comment; Amazing the faith they put into that old Stalinist principle of accusing the opponent of exactly the things you're doing yourself. Carrying it to the point of actually denying their own existence.... yikes.

Posted by: Claire at June 12, 2005 12:12 PM