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May 07, 2005

It's been a #$@%! week

My apologies for the light posting. Work has been dense, I've been fielding phone calls from realtors and mortgage brokers, Siobhan has been prepping for both prom today plus early morning testing for college english/math placement ... and it's not like I have nothing to write about, but too much. It's as if all the words, sentences and paragraphs are jammed up behind my eyes, jostling and squabbling for position and attention.

And I'm having a tough time finding the calm in which to sort them out and give them the time they deserve. Short summary of things that have caught my eye:

Building on my previous post where I wonder about the canonisation of breastfeeding, Michele posts about some British mom who thought her fussy baby who wanted her breast rather than a bottle constitutes an emergency and the airline should pay for her flight.

Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities follows up on his post about Kingdom of Heaven, Ridley Scott's epic loveletter to moslems with a comprehensive roundup of reviewer links. Some of the gushings by the historically ignorant are startling in their embrace of the "Christian=bad, moslem=good" meme. Are people really that ignorant, or are we experiencing yet another cycle of revisionism? It's as if Ridley Scott decided to make a film of the Warsaw ghetto uprising and never explains WHY the Jews are fighting the Nazis only making the Jews out to be the ones basically at fault for the violence.

Think that analogy is too harsh? Well, via LGF comes this link to the lengthy but historically accurate article, Jihad begot the Crusades. A must read! I'm so fed up with the grotesque claim that moslems were the best thing to happen to the middle east and Spain and all lived in gentle harmony, fluffy clouds and pink bunnies, until those nasty Christians had to ruin it all I'm ready to slap the next effing idiot that tries that line on me. Islam was established as a religion with the core tenet "Submit, convert or be put to death" and it hasn't changed.

Along with such revisionism being pumped as ass-kissing propaganda presented as a major sword-n-shield Hollywood epic, is the continuing weirdness from leftists who, ostensibly in the name of "freedom of speech", attempt to shut down the speech of those they disagree with. In a brilliant analogy of this phenomenom, Jeff Harrell compares the antics of the disrupters at Ann Coulter's speech (including the KosKiddie who thought sneering a profanity laced question about sexual practices was the height of intellectualism) to DOS (denial of service) attacks. Perfect analogy! It was a great follow up to his earlier post about how the word "homophobe" is being used, not to accurately describe a psychological state, but to shutdown those people who disagree with any particular leftist tenet where it concerns anything about gays.

BTW, Jeff has been on a real writing roll lately! If you haven't already done so, make him a daily read.

And I know I shouldn't go looking for aggravation, but sometimes I can't help myself. Once in a while, I do have to look in on the KosKiddie alternative reality and, geez, there have been a couple of real winners lately. There's the whacko claiming Reagan caused 9/11 by removing the solar panels off the White House, the always nasty Armando (who loves to drool over every report of killings committed by the Saddamites in Iraq), and the revealing post of Plutonium Page who experiences "cringing embarrassment" because the American President has the audicity to talk about the human aspirations to freedom. PP (what an apt acronym) has an aversion to the word "freedom." That's the Left in a nutshell. Politics is sado-masocism to them. Either be the dictator or the dictated to ... individuals are too stupid to be allowed to have much say in their own destiny.

No wonder that the Left is so enamored of (and are apologists for) jihadists.

Well, guys and gals, we've got househunting on today's agenda. Catch y'all later!

Posted by Darleen at May 7, 2005 08:15 AM


This mustard is a pass expiration,..
narrow minded and hater of Muslims
awaits his king at the gate of zion- a bad king conditioned to return on the establishmednt of a state survives burglary and blood.

any way, the film is bad for Muslims,
unfair to Salahaddin , "No Mercy" or threating to kill children and women "within these walls" were never narrated about him. The film blasphemes the great man and the Muslims as blood thursty. Ignorant enough not to dig their wells when the fact is they shigned the christians life with knowledge.

The movie showed the ethnic and cultural diversity in the christian side, while it was actually in the Arabs side whom wrongly portraied as all dark skinned. It showed Muslims and jews living with the europeans, while they killed them all along with the Arab christians when they took over Jerusalem the first time..the jews were most hated by the christians that they massacered them inside the christian lands before they even reach the Arab lands. The jews by witness of history knew no better tolerance from other than the muslims and refujed to them. The Orthodux church was very delighted to regain its properties from the catholic church after Salahadeen opened Jerusalem. Some haters mentioned blathered about the great Arab conquests from Arabia into the christian lands- Short concultation for history sources would tell you that they
1-never forced no one on conversion- unlike the christians(untill only60 years ago)- and they were met as liberators
2-NEVER killed civilians - or prisoner of war.
3- they were met as liberators from the corrupt (church abiding) bezuntium empire. (ofcourse I can't claim that the met with flowers as the Americans claim in Iraq) a habit was not known back then.

Posted by: Duraid Mohammed at May 18, 2005 05:58 AM