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May 31, 2005

Excuse our regularly scheduled prattling

while we indulge in some shameless bragging.

First off, it looks like The Cotillion has had a spectacular debut. The inestimable Michelle Malkin and the always lovely K.J. Lopez of NRO's The Corner have taken notice, and Beth has received an email telling her were we even mentioned on CNN's Inside Politics.


Early on I tossed my garter into the ring to host one of The Cotillion dances, so stay tuned as we figure out the details.

On another note, I've been having a great deal of fun reading and participating at the fiction blog, 100 Words or Les.... As a lifelong theater geek, doing improv was always one of my favorite activities and I look to the daily theme word/pic as the written fiction counterpart. Today I was happily surprised my entry was promoted from the comments to the frontpage!

They liked me! They really liked me!!

Posted by Darleen at May 31, 2005 06:04 PM


It was a great vignette! It deserved to be selected.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at May 31, 2005 09:09 PM