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April 28, 2005

Did we dodge a bullet, or what??

Gorezilla shows his love for religious folkEach new time Gorezilla opens his trap I'm more convinced he'd have out-Nixoned Nixon in the paranoia department. His latest hatefest rant to a group of like-minded acolytes of the cult of the far-Left makes clear that as long as they are the face of the Democratic party, the Dems will be a minority party. They stand for nothing more than the irrational hate of those they disagree with. They have no argument except that their enemies are "evil" without ever articulating what constitutes that "evil." Every attempt to do so is nothing but rambling incoherencies of baseless accusations, lies and projection of their own moral bankruptcy.

From Dean the Screams "I hate Republicans" to Dem Ken Salazar's calling those that have pointed out his broken promise to support an up/down vote on judicial nominees "The AntiChrist" the veil has dropped vis a vis the outright religious bigotry of the Left.

For sure, it's really a kind of denominational bigotry. The Justice Sunday rally in Kentucky was held at a Baptist Church where conservatives came to support the Constitution's requirement of majority vote to confirm judicial appointments, while the counter-rally at the Central Presbyterian Church exhorted its participants to consider such Constitutional conservatives as "UnAmerican." The Left has no problem using churches that have molded themselves into their own brand of politics to get their point across ... akin to King Henry VIII being peeved because the Catholic Church wouldn't give him a divorce so he merely created his own church ... or the Red Chinese who's idea of "freedom of religion" is people of faith are allowed to worship only in government run churches.

It is interesting to note that the Presbyterian Church that the "counter-rally" was held at is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA organization - a group that has notoriously pursued a leftist political agenda of anti-Israel action.

Like Kerry or Kennedy, ostensible Catholics, the Left dons a cloak of religiousity when it suits its political purpose, the values and tenets never slipping beneath the surface.


Posted by Darleen at April 28, 2005 06:07 AM
