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April 18, 2005

Back from a break ...

I was both under the weather and we had the twins for the weekend. I love the boys but it's clear why one really should have kids when you're in your 20's. I would love to bottle some of the energy! We went to the park, played with water in the backyard (some very nice warm weather) and chased around. Basically I stayed away from the 'puter and news the last few days.

So, wtf is going on with the Senate Dems? Since when is it Consitutional to demand a super majority to appoint judges?

And I thought religious tests for nominees was also unConstitutional?

Deja vu of Kleagle Byrd filibustering Civil Rights legislation (which came about through the involvement and pressure of people of faith).

Posted by Darleen at April 18, 2005 06:35 AM
