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March 24, 2005

I have the same questions

that Peggy Noonan asks:

Everyone who has written in defense of Mrs. Schiavo's right to live has received e-mail blasts full of attacks that appear to have been dictated by the unstable and typed by the unhinged. On Democratic Underground they crowed about having "kicked the sh-- out of the fascists." On Tuesday James Carville's face was swept with a sneer so convulsive you could see his gums as he damned the Republicans trying to help Mrs. Schiavo. It would have seemed demonic if he weren't a buffoon.

Why are they so committed to this woman's death?

They seem to have fallen half in love with death.

What does Terri Schiavo's life symbolize to them? What does the idea that she might continue to live suggest to them?

Why does this prospect so unnerve them? Again, if you think Terri Schiavo is a precious human gift of God, your passion is explicable. The passion of the pull-the-tube people is not.

Indeed. Why are some of you so committed to Terri's death? What harm is her living doing to you?

Posted by Darleen at March 24, 2005 09:17 AM


Projection. And being upset that she, and others like her, are cluttering up their tidy little world.

Posted by: Sal at March 24, 2005 02:33 PM

- Darleen, I agree with your theme and Sals comment. Like it or not, there is a sizable number of people that simply cannot deal with "those" people that in some way are physically damaged, be it spinal, cerebral, or any other manner of physical disability. and equally distressing is the fact that "repugnant" thinking is very contagious. Some that would ordinarily be on the fence and err to the side of compassion, will all too often latch onto any indication that "avoidance", and at best "pity", is the group think norm of their local peers. Psychologists tell us its the superstition syndrome. The old fear that if you associate with those less fortunate, somehow bad things will befall you and your's. I have no idea how much these sorts of idiomatic ideas are behind the seeming rush to burry her. All I know is that its indeed a sad commentary on the state of our society, when we have to fight to try to stop murder by legislation. One thing is clear. the Judicial branch has gotten out of hand. the good news is that when their decisions effect enough people the pendelum will swing back the other way. Its enevitable.

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at March 24, 2005 10:11 PM