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March 22, 2005

Dems back away from Bu$Hitler meme

pick up a new one, as Sen. John Corzine D-NJ says Dick Cheney = Saddam Hussein

Anyone got a rulebook handy? I want to know if there is a subsection to Godwin's law that would cover this.

Posted by Darleen at March 22, 2005 12:01 AM


- They still actually have Senators in NJ?.... I thought they'd finally thrown in the towel and just turned it all over to Tony Soprano.....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at March 22, 2005 11:05 AM

Senator Corzine in no way compared VP Cheney to Saddam Hussein. He didnt compare him to a fox either. He simply found the idea of VP Cheney advocating Social Security reform as laughable as a fox guarding a henhouse or as genuine as Saddam Hussein advocating free elections. Instead of cherry-picking one line from Senator Corzines remarks, the RNC and their allies would best serve Americans by removing private accounts from the Social Security debate.

Posted by: Adam Stanhope at March 22, 2005 01:09 PM

Yes Adam we know

The great unwashed citizenry is just plain too stupid to be trusted with their own money.

Don't get me wrong..if you want to keep lying to the boobs about SocSec "trustfunds" and "there's no crisis" go right ahead. I don't contribute to SocSec.

I'm a government employee. I OWN my retirement account.

Though, I caution you, if people stopped to realize that the politicians and public employee labor unions are pushing on them what they refuse to participate in themselves, you just MIGHT have a bit harder time with the "we know what's best for you" schtick.

Posted by: Darleen at March 22, 2005 01:26 PM

yahoo!....you go girl!!!!

Posted by: delmartian at March 23, 2005 03:21 PM