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February 22, 2005

Another look around the Gannon teacup ...

While the hyperventilating voyeurs of the left continue to titilate themselves into next week with sweaty imaginings of just how many double-secret gays are in the White House and How.Did.They.Know.Gannon.And.When.Did.They.Know.Him, JustOneMinute runs one of the most succinct summaries I've seen of this Revenge of the Easily Offended Peeping-Toms.

There've been times I felt I was arguing with tree stumps for as much understanding I was getting from those who keep saying "but, HEY, how'd he get a PASS? I bet EvilGeniusRoveā„¢ gave it to him, after he gave it to Rove, if you know what I mean [insert Butthead laughter]"

From now on, I'll just send 'em Minute Man's way.

hattip Jeff Harrell

Posted by Darleen at February 22, 2005 01:18 PM


Well, this story has cetainly exploded. Can't turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper without hearing or reading about Hincheygate. The nation is in an uproar. How dare this elected Democratic Congressman accuse a Republican operative of dirty tricks. It's not like Karl Rove has a history of this sort of thing or anything. As we all know, Karl Rove is a fine Christian who would never ever stoop to gutter politics. EVER!

BTW...they're (e & z) talking some heavy stuff about you over you know where. Kinda of in code and stuff. Inviso and all that. I get a feeling you're lacking an unnameable certain something that allows you to join the inner circle. Tsk, and you try SO hard.

Posted by: Top McReporter at February 23, 2005 05:00 AM