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January 20, 2005

You just can't make this stuff up

Moonbats on Parade -- AP Photo/Don Ryan
Yes, that is a foil hat. All the rage with the elderly hippies in Portland Oregon.

hattip LGF

Posted by Darleen at January 20, 2005 10:01 PM


- After this past election cycle watching the antics of America's "crazy uncle in the attic", the one you could probably tolerate if he'd just stop attacking your pets, I've come to the conclusion that they just can't help themselves. And yes you can make this up, which is exactly what they do as they go along. As a group they seem to be incapable of seperating their own personal issues from their politics. Or put another way, politics, which can be and generaly is, a hot button with the largest number of people, gains the monnbats the attention they desperately crave. Whether its hugging a tree or chanting for the Oragon lesser mud slug, the over the top zealous manner they bring to the party, loved or derated, always gets the expected over-coverage of the press, which seems to be the payoff for these seriously deranged social maverics. I recall this past fall watching the gaggle of unwashed treking down 7th ave. during the RNC and thinking..."Can't you just feel the love..."....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at January 21, 2005 10:38 AM

What's so deranged about wishing to protect the environment? Factories belch chemicals which cause respiratory diseases, other chemicals are dumped into our waterways which kill off the aquatic life (and make the fish dangerous to eat), etc. etc.

It's rather immature to denounce everyone who tries to make the world a safer place as moOnbats, zealots, and seriously deranged social mavericKs. Believe it or not, we have YOUR best interests in mind, too!

And as far as separating personal interests from politics, well, baby...politics IS what affects our personal interests.

Posted by: Pimme at January 23, 2005 09:25 AM


The 70's Leftist phrase "the personal is the political" has nothing to do with personal interests. It is an insidious way to define (and dismiss) a human being based solely on their opinion on the political question du jour regardless of analysis or reasoning behind the answer.

Don't think same sex marriage is a good idea? Homophobe.

Think Affirmative Action has caused more harm than good? Racist (or if you're a minority - inauthentic or race traitor)

Voted for GW? Stupid, racist, homophobe, want-women-children-elderly to die ...

and OH..by all the foilhatted protesters and anarchists destroying property at the "counter-inaugural" protests show, democracy is only as good as it agrees with the protesters agenda.

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny "whatta bunch of maroons"

Posted by: Darleen at January 23, 2005 09:33 AM

Pimme -

I believe you could, in any election year count on 40% (maybe more, given recent elections) of the Republicans and Democrats to show up and pull the party lever regardless of who's running. You could put up a wooden mannequin for President (e.g. Al Gore) or a trained chimp and an evil Sith Lord (e.g. Bush/Cheney) and the party faithful would come like they always do and pull the lever.

In some cases it's the "party of my fathers" mentality, where kids growing up in a Democrat household end up voting that way because that's what they were exposed to (and visa versa). There's a divide between the parties that, IMO, doesn't offer many opportunities for compromise or reasoned discussion. Allowing the other side to potentially be right on an issue allows the possiblity of your being wrong - - and people (and parties) don't like being wrong.

In the case of the moonbat brigade (and religious right regiment) they each have their "agenda" and have selected the party they think is most capable of advancing it. By doing so, politics has become pretty polarized along ethnic, racial, gender, religious, and sexual preference lines. Tin foil hats just make it more interesting (and humorous) to watch.

Unfortunately, I don't see it getting any better soon, unless you get a candidate (or team) who crosses the current political boundaries that seem to resemble a Maginot line. Think of the scare the Republicans would put into the Democrats by running a female Presidential candidate with a black man as vice president? Or if the Democrats ran Colin Powell with Barack Obama? Both parties are looking for the right cross-over candidate combination - - if the left is smart it will stay away from Hillary like the plague. If not, it will be fun to watch 2008...

Cheers -


Posted by: DC at January 23, 2005 12:07 PM