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January 08, 2005

The next time I hear

any loon who insists that all would be skittles and beer between the US and the Islamist world if only WE were sensitive to their concerns, did good deeds (like toss daycare centers at 'em) and turned our backs on Israel, I'm going to hand the loon a card where I'm going to have this Q&A printed.

Question: The west is often criticised by Muslims for many reasons, such as allowing women go to work.

But shouldnt the west also recieve praise because its always them who intervenve when muslims r being tortured,they stopped Milosovic kiling muslims and sent their own troops to the country,they r usually the first to send aid when theres a flood,they r also intervening in Isreal and condeming them killing Muslims ,so should we appreciate their efforts or not?

Answer 1394: In simple the Kuffaar can never be trusted for any possible good they do. They have their own interest at heart.

Was salaam

Not that it will change the mind of the anti-American Leftist, but maybe it might have an effect on the bleeding-heart loons that buy into Leftist rhetoric.

via LGF

Posted by Darleen at January 8, 2005 08:34 AM
