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January 31, 2005

Howie's hate - real or calculated?

As the wags say, Howard Dean is the gift that keeps on giving

HOWARD DEAN, THE favorite to be the next head of the Democratic National Committee, made his case in midtown yesterday, promising to make his party operate more like the GOP - at least when it comes to elections.

"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for, but I admire their discipline and their organization," the failed presidential hopeful told the crowd at the Roosevelt Hotel, where he and six other candidates spoke at the final DNC forum before the Feb. 12 vote for chairman.

Pretty out there, don't you think? Not "I disagree with them" or "I find that while their intentions are good, they pursue failed policies" -- just a flat out "I hate Republicans and the horse they rode in on!"

Of course, we've been seeing a lot of this Democratic hate lately towards anything remotely Redstate. Uncle Teddy off the rails about Iraq, Barbie Boxer reveling in her ankle-biting of Dr. Rice, Kerry riding the Sunday talk shows like a Nazqul spreading doom, gloom and dire predictions wherever he alights.

What the heck is going on? Is it for real, or are we actually dealing with a calculated effort by this Dems to grab uncritical MSM attention (hear any gasps or followups from the 'journalists' covering Dean's hate quote?) and generate among the truly hate-filled far-left wing of the Dem party the ca-CHING ca-CHING of donor dollars into the Dem coffers. Such are the thoughts of Jim Geraghty and Mickey Kraus where it concerns our midgetbraintagteam of Kennedy, Kerry and Boxer.* Howie may well be replaying his $ucce$$ful $trategy of playing it bare-knuckled-hate-of-Rethuglicans in front of the seething wing to carry him into the DNC chair.

*hattip to Bill at INDC

Posted by Darleen at January 31, 2005 09:59 AM


Hate is such a strong word and such a powerful motivator. It destroys the mind, the soul, and hope. Prayer is the answer. Thanks for a great essay, Darleen.

Posted by: Right Wing Nut Job at January 31, 2005 02:01 PM

- Between the Blair doodles which wern't, and now the "WallMart action figure toys seige" kidnapping fiasco (see my post if this one slipped by you), all reported faithfully by the "get Bush" MSM, the Liberals are really coming unhinged. The election of Howie to the DNC chair will insure four years of bitter infighting between the Deaniacs and Clintoneesta's, which everyone on the right can certainly get behind. Maybe if all this public meltdown continues in four years there won't be any left - left..... (insert evil Neocon cackle here)....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at February 1, 2005 03:50 PM

- Just as an aside theres something else about Dean for chair of the DNC that makes it less than a proficious choice for the Dem's. DNC is basically an organizer slot, and demands someone who is good at the get out the vote ground wars, cracking the whip on staate party leaders and keeping the whole mess rolling smoothly even while the person in that position is expected to fill the party coffers with bucks. Dean is certainly good at the money part, particularly his internet operation, but as much as he protests to the contrary, he always seems to end up going for some elective position. Having a DNC head that even holds out that possibility, and worse, one who would tend to steal the spotlight from other candidates, would be an absolute disaster. Just one more reason the right should root for Dean.... (additional evil neocon cackling here)....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at February 2, 2005 11:25 AM