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December 03, 2004

What's in a name?

Note: I wrote this earlier today, but could not post it due to (as I just said) f**king, a**wipes Adelphia

We all know them or heard of them -- people with names that make us pause. Sometimes it's the juxtaposition of the name with the person's career or we wonder what the heck their parents were thinking.

I once worked with a Mary Lamb. A friend of mine went to school with twin girls named Candi and Cookie Jarr -- and it would be a shame if they didn't become strippers in Vegas.

At my work I'm exposed to hundreds of names and it provides for some great comic relief. There's the criminal with the last name of Law contrasting with the Sheriff's Deputy Outlaw. Or how about a gal with the unfortunate name Penny Cash? Spot the really unimaginative parents who tagged their kids as Adam Adams, Richard Richardson and Shirlee Shirley (don't call me ...).

Which brings me to the laugh of the day. Here are the real first and middle names of four sisters that came across my desk yesterday ...

Can we all guess what era (or what planet) their parents live in??

Posted by Darleen at December 3, 2004 07:15 PM
