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December 04, 2004

The fall of the ICRC

Cox and Forkum

Cox and Forkum visually capture the situation of a politically corrupted International Committee of the Red Cross. As the editorial at Opinion Journal states:

Once upon a time, the International Committee of the Red Cross was a humanitarian outfit doing the Lord's work to reduce the horrors of war. So it is a special tragedy to see that it has increasingly become an ideological organization unable to distinguish between good guys and bad.

That's the unfortunate conclusion suggested by three years of open ICRC hostility toward U.S. conduct in the war on terror. The latest salvo was Tuesday's front page story in the New York Times quoting from an ICRC report complaining about the detention conditions and interrogation practices used on Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The POW concept is certainly a great humanitarian advance, since the slaughter of captured enemies used to be routine and since it provides some incentive to fair battlefield conduct. But it is a concept in jeopardy thanks to its ostensible guardians at the ICRC. By demanding POW status for un-uniformed combatants who target civilians--in contravention of the plain language of the Geneva Conventions--the ICRC started the fight over Guantanamo by attempting to remove one of the few carrots we have to encourage humane behavior in war.

Now it goes further and demands that these combatants get even more privileges than legitimate POWs.

Do read the whole thing. Also understand that the ICRC has refused for years to accept Israel's Magen David Adom and has refused to take seriously the reports of that Red Crescent ambulances have been used by Palestinian terrorists to transport arms and terrorists.

Posted by Darleen at December 4, 2004 09:54 PM


- Not to put too fine a point on it but its the IRCF (International Red Cross Federation) based mainly in Switzerland that foments the greatest anti-American shananigans world wide... and the largest, loudest member states in this everything American hate feast....

.... Wait for it....

- Fwance, Germpile, and Spain in the ass

.... surprise surprise ...

- BTW....The American Red Cross has total distain for the antics of this group and has decided to remove their names from the charter, cease all financial support, and generally work to eliminate all American governmental contributions to them.....

Posted by: Hunter at December 5, 2004 11:48 AM