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December 05, 2004

Pathetically pitiful people

I'm moving slow this morning, gentle reader. I have my fuzzy slippers on, first cup o'coffee in hand, hair sleep-mussed enough to scare small children. Time was when I'd heft an 8 lb. Sunday LA Times onto the dining table and section it out to peruse at a leisurely pace, letting the kidlets ooo-aah over the funnies and slick advertisments for every toy imaginable to add to their Christmas wish list. Now, I boot the 'puter and start surfing around from newsites to fave bloggers having no idea what might inspire me (I don't miss fingers blackened by newsprint, but I've learned the hard way what spilled coffee does to keyboards).

This morning as I visited Glenn Reynolds I took a moment to look at the blogads on the site. The fifth one down is advertising "Anti-Bush Gifts and Gear" and for a moment I paused thinking someone erred by forgetting to cancel the marketing of pre-election stuff, since the ad links to BeatBushGear.com.

But, noooooo. The animated ad makes it clear that the BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) is alive and well and taking credit cards.

At the site, one is treated to a plethora of proud Bushate ...

There's also a T-shirt with the notorious Jesusland map with the word "Jesusland" replaced with "Texas." (ah, maybe the 'designer' realized the religious bigotry was just a bit over the top, but the stereotype of 'Texans' was still ok). Another shirt with a map of the US with the few Kerry states in blue and the slogan "Better dead than red", which strikes me as vaguely threatening as the "red" states are in white (eliminate the "redstaters?"). And post election the slogans "Buck Fush" and "Eliminate WMD's -- "W" Making Decisions" strike a more sinister tone than just opposition.

Well, I have something to say to anti-Bushites ... rant alert

The election was Nov 2, you lost, now suck it up like an adult and just shut the fuck up!Fuck you. Fuck your anti-Bush gear and the hack it rode in on. I don't usually swear, I was brought up in a different era, but you fucking crybaby spoiled asswipes have gotten on my last nerve. What, it's now 30 days past the election and you've got your foilhats reinforced (gads, I should buy some extra shares of Reynolds)? What in Satan's buttfucking, firelicking, nightmares of hell name is rattling around in the sucking blackhole between your ears? It ain't reality, that's for sure.

I've taken some entertainment value from your psychotic breaks, I admit it. I find it hilarious that so many of your numbnutz are seeking professional therapy to deal with a regularly scheduled political event. Weren't you the glue-sniffers that swore GW would never let the election happen in the first place? Aren't you the conspiracy obsessed tweakers that alternately blame GW or Jews for 9/11 when you aren't blaming Halliburton?

This election not only happened, it happened under the microscope of international observers and a GOP/GW hostile "Mainstream Media."

Jesusland? Jesus-freaks? Rednecks? Stupid? God knows how much I want to take a huge clue bat to your insufferably bigotted self-important twits who so blindly and dogmatically think only YOU have "The Truth" (cue sound of trumpets). The sixties are OVER. The personal is NOT the political. Being an "authentic" Black, Hispanic, Woman, et al, is NOT dependent on one's political views. There comes a time when the slogan "question authority" is no longer about factchecking but about self-destruction.

This election wasn't about "your message" not being clear. It was about 51% of the people hearing YOU HAVE NO MESSAGE outside of the old hackneyed phrases redolent of the anti-Americanism of the Vietnam era. No amount of shirt-rending, ass-kissing, teeth gnashing, ulullating self-hatred has made America "more loved" or "popular" with those dedicated anti-Westerners abroad, whether they simper in the salons of France or are beheading hostages in Iraq. The UN is not a road to anything any longer but is a cesspool of delight for dictators and their syphocants. They are the problem, NOT the solution.

And, finally, if you can't come to grips with your fellow Americans who voted for Bush, if you can't accept him as President, if you only want to wallow in self-pity and nurture your hatred for all those aspects of America and American culture you might find 50 feet outside of downtown NYC, LA or Frisco ...

Leave. Just get the fuck out and don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Posted by Darleen at December 5, 2004 08:48 AM


You go girl!

Posted by: ENgineer at December 5, 2004 03:55 PM

Haha I'm such a tormented loser.

[ed note:no truer words ever spoken]

Posted by: pathetic troll at December 5, 2004 04:03 PM

- I'm thinking that there's a deeper motivation among the asshats to keep the rhetoric and dialog going by floating ever greater insane memes. The thing I think they fear most of all is being reduced to total irrelevance. I read a piece that they know the vote thing in Ohio is going nowhere, but the greenies and others want to keep the MSM exposure alive so they don't fall into political obscurity. The Dem's leadership is meeting right now to determine the future direction of the party, and two of the early proposals being mentioned are "Turning away from the extreme left" and refocusing on local, state, and congressional seats, and forgetting the obsessive chase for the White House. Take that away from the moonbats and they have no spit balls left in their water pistols. When you see the positive talk leaning toward "moderates" like Schwarzenegger and Bill Richardson replacing nut cases like Dean and Gore you have to know something is up. So far Hillary doesn't seem to be garnering any support either, even with her attempts at "centrist" posing. I pretty much thought after two drubbing's in a row the Dem's would turn away from the socialist left.....

Posted by: Hunter at December 5, 2004 05:56 PM

Apparently you haven't heard about the group therapy sessions in Florida for "Post Election Stress Syndrome".

There is also the city councilman in Pennsylvania who is demanding that a store owner take down a picture of President Bush because it's offensive to Democrats.

Those who have lost grip with reality are everywhere.

Posted by: Nick at December 8, 2004 11:04 AM

You could have shortened your message to 'Get a job!' which would eliminate the free time used for whining.

Posted by: Jack Tanner at December 8, 2004 11:43 AM

Hey, thanks for the free advertising for BeatBushGear.com!

But it wasn't very nice of you to call us "fucking crybaby spoiled asswipes". I sure hope your kidlets weren't watching when you typed that. Moral values, indeed.

I do have just a few questions for you:

1) In your version of democracy, are opposition parties allowed to oppose? Or are they not allowed to saying anything until the next election?

2) "Sinister tone"? My, aren't you the paranoid one. I can't say that we were thinking of "eliminating" the red-staters in the "Better Dead than Red" design when we only filled the blue states in with color. After all, where would we Californians get our wheat from if we did?

3) Shouldn't you be a bit happier than you are since your team won the election? Your language makes you seem a little... tense.

4) Have you checked out some of the right wing t-shirt shops, like www.RightWingStuff.com? It has a map which labels the blue states as "Evildoers". So blue-staters are actually evil? It also has a picture of a Democratic donkey with a target painted over it, labeled "Got Ammo?"

Shoot the Democrats -- now that's funny!

And you say that BeatBushGear advocates violence because it has a picture of a map where only the blue states are colored in?

I see...

I'm eager to see the fair and balanced approach you'll have to their oh-so-sportsman-like gloating and actual advocacy of violence (at least against donkeys) after your profanity-laced rant against us…

Or maybe political humor is in the eye of the beholder?

Posted by: Pathetically Pitiful Person at December 9, 2004 11:49 AM